Chapter 1

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Mackenzie and Brynn: 15

Maddie, Chloe, Paige, Kendall, Nia, Jojo and Kalani: 17

Payton: 18

Brooke: 19

Maddie's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Today is Tuesday. I was not excited for school. I grabbed my phone and went through my twitter. I regret that decision. I am bullied a lot at school and online. I scrolled down seeing all of these people from my school telling me to kill myself. I clicked on the tweet and saw that someone commented. It was Kendall. She told them to leave me alone. I smiled and then got up from my bed. My friends are Kendall, Nia and Chloe. Kendall is my best friend in the entire world. Nia and I are not too close. We really only hang out at dance because she has other friends. Chloe and I use to be really close but our parents are ruining our friendship. Paige and I use to be close too but she is better friends with Chloe. I checked the weather and it said it was 15 degrees. When I decided to get out of bed I walked over to my closet. I picked out my clothes and got dressed. I then heard someone knock on my door. It was my sister. I opened the door and let her in.

Mackenzie: I accidentally just dropped my eye shadow palette and it broke so could I please use yours to get ready?

Maddie: Go ahead. Just please don't drop it.

Mackenzie: Thanks Mads!

Maddie: Your welcome. 

Once Kenzie left the room I went to my vanity table. I put my hair up into a bun so I could start doing my makeup. I need a lot of makeup to hide my ugly face. I realized that my lipstick was missing so I went to Mackenzie's room to ask for it back. She was writing in her diary. She quickly closed it and gave me back my lipstick.

Maddie: What's wrong Kenzie?

Mackenzie: It's nothing.

Maddie: It clearly isn't nothing.

Mackenzie: I will tell you but promise not to tell mom or even dad.

Maddie: Mackenzie dad does not even live with us anymore. 

Mackenzie: Maddie please.

Maddie: Ok I won't tell anyone.

Mackenzie: I was on twitter and I got a lot of hate. I then saw people telling you to kill yourself and that you are fat and shouldn't eat. Why are people saying all these mean things about us?

Maddie: Because they are just jealous that you are a better dancer then they are Kenzie.

Mackenzie: Well you are a better dancer.

Melissa: Girls breakfast is ready!!!!

Maddie and Mackenzie: We're coming!

Our mom yelled from down the stairs that breakfast was ready. I was thinking about what Mackenzie just told me. Mackenzie should never get hate. None of the things people say about her are true. The things people think about me are kind of true. I don't throw up my food anymore but sometimes I do think about it. I felt skinnier when I threw up. The only reason I stopped is because Kendall almost found out. Maybe if I was dead my family wouldn't get so much hate. When I walked downstairs there was eggs, bacon and toast on the table. It was just the 3 of us. When season 1 of dance moms started my parents got a divorce. We still keep in contact with our dad but it is hard to see him sometimes since we have dance. We all got our food and sat around the table.

Melissa: So Maddie your 16th birthday is in 4 days. What would you like to do?

Maddie: You didn't throw a party for Mackenzie so I don't need one.

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