Chapter 17

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Maddie's p.o.v

Today is the 16th of March. This means that I am cleared to start dancing again. I was very happy. It was march break so that means I have the entire day to be at the studio. I did my stretches with my fractured ankle so that I wouldn't lose flexibility. The thing I am worried about is my technique. Today is Tuesday and we have a competition Saturday. I haven't been on the show much since I wasn't dancing. I was just kind of there in the background. I got out of bed and went to my closet. I put on my Abby Lee dance wear on and then put everything I needed in my bag. After brushing my hair and putting it into a bun I walked downstairs and ate breakfast. When my mom said it was time to go I grabbed my phone and dance bag. We headed to the car and I started driving. Once we got there I met with everyone outside. It was just Holly, Nia, Ashlee, Brynn, Christi, Chloe, Kelly, Paige, Vanessa, Logan, Abby and Gianna. I ran up to them and hugged them. We filmed walking into the studio and then went to the dancers den. We had pyramid so I took my shoes off and got ready. I kissed Logan and we all walked in.

Abby: So first I would like everyone to welcome back Maddie and Melissa! Now this week we are going to World Class Talent in Rockville, Maryland. There are 11 more weeks until Nationals. The 6 of you will need to work very hard. You need to earn your solo or earn your placement in the group dance. On the bottom of they pyramid we have Maddie, Chloe and Logan. Maddie you been off for the last few months due to your injury. You need to work really hard to be able to compete at Nationals. I am not giving you any pity solos. You need to earn it. Chloe last week you had a duet with Logan. I feel that he danced better than you that week. Logan you didn't apply the corrections which is why your duet placed 4th. On the middle we have Paige and Brynn. Paige your solo came in 3rd. You can do better. Brynn you didn't have a special part in the group dance but you stood out to me. On the top we have Nia! Nia your solo placed first in your category and overall! You were stunning in the group dance! So this week is solo week. Everyone has a solo. This time you will be doing a style you haven't done in a while. First solo goes to Maddie. Maddie you have a Jazz routine called Pressure. Next solo goes to Chloe. It is a hip hop routine called See Me Now. Next solo goes to Paige. It is lyrical and called Dangerously. Next is Nia. You have a hip hop routine called Honestly. Next is Brynn. You have a musical theatre routine called I Want It All. Last is Logan. You have a lyrical routine called Paper Houses. Now get to work everyone!



We all got on the bus. It was 6:00 AM. We have a competition in 4 hours. I was nervous. It was my first time back dancing. This week we are not competing against the jsdc which is good. I was still tired so I slept the whole time.

(4 hours later)

We got the competition and went to the dressing room to get ready. I put on my costume and then did my makeup while my mom did my hair. I was the first one competing in our category. I had 5 minutes before I had to go on stage so we took our pictures and then headed backstage. Logan was on right after me so he came with me. When my name was called he kissed me and I went on stage. I started dancing and I was doing great. My dance is really fast and upbeat so I have to make sure to not be behind. My ankle didn't hurt at all so that was great. I got into my ending pose and left the stage. I watched as Logan went on and did his dance. We was also very good. Next was Nia. she did really great with her hip hop. After Nia was Paige. She was doing lyrical. She only ever does lyrical in group dances so this was a first for her. Next was Chloe. She had a hip hop solo. She has improved a lot in her hip hop since season 3. Last was Brynn. I don't think she will win. She danced good but the choreography is cheesy and looks like it was meant for a kid. 


It was time for awards and I was getting nervous again. I want to have a solo at nationals. Abby doesn't actually pay attention about who places where and who can dance better until we are 5 weeks away so even if I lose today it won't matter too much.

Host: In 7th place we have Brynn with I want it all!

Brynn looked really disappointed in herself. But then again like I said the choreography was not good.

Host: In 5th place we have Chloe with See Me Now!

Chloe was also disappointed in herself but kept a smile on her face as she got her award.

Host: In 4th place we have Logan with Paper Houses!

Logan was happy with his placement. Of course he wants first but at his old studio he always placed 6th or below. 

Host: In 3rd place we have Nia with Honestly!

Nia was sad. She thinks she disappointed Abby. She went from 1st place to 3rd.

Host: In 2nd place we have Paige with Dangerously!

Paige had the biggest smile on her face. She went up from last week. 

Host: In 1st place we have Maddie with Pressure!

I stood up and got my award. I was happy that I was able to come back and win. When awards were over we went to the dressing room. We got ready to leave Maryland and go back to Pittsburgh.

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