Chapter 2

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Melissa's p.o.v

Today was Maddie's 16th birthday. I got up early and went to the kitchen. I made pancakes, eggs, toast and bacon. I then iced the cupcakes I baked last night. When it was time for them to wake up they came downstairs. We lit the candles and sang happy birthday to her. She smiled and hugged the both of us.

Maddie's p.o.v

I woke up and realized that it was my birthday today. I waked downstairs and my family said happy birthday to me. We ate and then they gave me presents. I opened them and thanked them. We have a dance competition today so we needed to go to the studio. I grabbed my dance bag and got into the car. Once we got to the studio we went into studio b with Gianna. She ran through my solo and our duet. When the bus came everyone got on. I checked my phone and went on instagram. I posted the picture I took with my family today. Some people were saying mean things again. I looked on my feed and saw that Mackenzie posted a picture with her boyfriends Johnny. They are really cute together. People were commenting telling her that he doesn't love her and that she should do bad things to herself. I just reported as many as the people as I could. 

Mackenzie's p.o.v

When we got to the competition we signed in. We went to the dressing room and everyone started to get changed. The door opened to the room and we all looked. My dad came to the competition today since it is Maddie's birthday and it is local. He gave us a hug and told us good luck. I wish I could see my dad more often. We are having lunch with him today. I wish I could live with my dad because he cares about me more than my mom does. Maddie was about to go on so we sat down in the audience.

Maddie's p.o.v

I was excited to get on stage. My solo is called Birthday. It was an old one. I was called onto stage and then got in my pose. I danced and I think I did ok. I hope I win. When I got off stage I went to get ready for the duet. Since Mackenzie is 14 and I am 16 it puts us into the senior age group. This was going to be Mackenzie first time dancing in this age category. When I finished my makeup I went to the audience to watch everyone else dance. Kendall was up next. She did really good. When solos were over it was time for duets. Mackenzie and I practiced our duet for the last time. We were on in 2 minutes. I hugged her and we waited. When it was time we danced. We did great. I hope we win with this duet. I looked out at the audience and was surprised. Brooke was there. She went away for university but I forgot that she was coming home this weekend. I know that Mackenzie has really missed her. being here. We got off stage and ran up to her. After we gave her a hug we sat back down in the audiance. Chloe and Payton were on next. They did great. They were also in the same age group as us. When all the duets were over it was lunch. We found a place and went to eat with our dad. He haven't been together as 4 in a long time. We got our food and sat down. We then talked. He gave me a small box. I opened it. It was a necklace. I hugged him and put it on. When lunch was over we headed back to the competition. The trios were on and we were getting ready for the group dance. I was helping Mackenzie with her makeup. When everyone was ready we practiced.  We were really happy for Brynn because she usually never gets to be the lead in any dance. It was time and we were backstage. Kalani and Jojo walked by and shoved me. I just ignored them and concentrated on dance. We were called on stage and danced.


We were on the bus going back to the studio. I got 1st place with my solo. Kendall was 2nd and Kalani was 4th. Our duet placed 1st. Chloe and Payton were 2nd. The trio didn't place but our group dance got 1st. When we got back to the studio we went home. Sunday is our day off of filming and dance so tomorrow I was just going to spend at home. The girls were coming over tonight for a sleepover so I got ready. My mom got food and pop. When it was time they came over. It was just Kendall, Chloe, Nia and Paige. We went to my room and set up the sleeping bags. My mom then called us downstairs. She ordered us taco bell. We got our food and had supper. We then went back up to my room. We watched movies for a while. I felt left out at my own party. Kendall and Nia were doing each others hair and nails. Chloe and Paige were sitting together talking about school. The movie ended and it was later. I got into my bed while the girls got into their sleeping bags. I wanted to be better friends with Chloe. This was all just a big mistake having them over. Oh well at least they will all be gone in the morning.

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