Chapter 25

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Maddie's p.o.v

Today was Nationals. We were all nervous and excited. I was still kind of sad that Mackenzie isn't here with us. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 6:30. We he have to be at the competition by 8:30 to start with filming and the actual competition itself. I was sharing a room with Logan, Nia and Brynn. I saw that they were all up so we all did our hair and makeup. Half an hour later there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see my mom, Holly, Vanessa, Christi, Kelly and Ashlee. They said everyone else was ready for breakfast. All 14 of us met in the lobby before going into the restaurant. That is when we saw Kendall, Jojo, Jill, Jessalynn and other people from the jsdc. They gave us death glares and then left us alone. After we finished eating I got a text from Kalani. She said she was staying at this hotel with Payton and their families. Even though Abby still won't let them back onto the team we all met up and went to the competition together. When we got there the producers talked to us about the drama they were setting up between us and the jsdc. I hate it but in less then a week our contracts end with them. Since solos are first like always Brooke, Paige and I were getting our hair and makeup done. Brynn, Nia and Logan were getting ready for duets. When I was almost finished with my makeup someone walked into the dressing room. It was my dad! I ran up to him and hugged him. While I finished getting ready Abby and my dad were talking. Solos were starting soon so we went into the audience. I was number 14. Brooke was a few before me so she was already backstage. Brooke went on stage and the music started. She looked amazing. When she finished she came out to sit with us in the audience. It was getting to be time for me to go backstage so I kissed Logan and left. Kendall was also backstage which sucked. 

Kendall: Prepared to lose Ziegler?

Maddie: Says the girl who barely wins.

Kendall: My solo is going to be way better then yours. Maybe I should break your leg again It seems that last time I did it too soon.

Maddie: We have security watching you so good luck idiot!

Kendall: Well it's my turn!

Maddie: Break a leg! I mean it.

Kendall: Whatever.

I watched Kendall on stage and she was good. Way better then I expected to be. I am still going to beat her though. She came off stage and glared at me. It was now my turn so I went on stage and danced. I did amazing so I hope I win.


Logan and I kissed and then went on stage for our duet. We danced our best and then got off stage.


I just got off stage from the trio. Chloe, Paige and I were all emotional since we were the original trio. We were now in our dressing room getting our costumes on for the group dance.

Abby: Ok everyone let's run it over one last time.

We ran over the dance and suddenly the door to our dressing room opened. In came the people we hate the most. the jsdc and Cathy. Apparently they fused studios. Well that explains why Vivi was dancing with them in their trio.

Abby: Hey wicked witch get out of my dressing room now!

Cathy: Ugh whatever I hate you and your pathetic choreography have fun loosing!

Once they left it was almost time to go on stage. We walked backstage and talked.

Nia: Well this is it.

Brynn: Let's go out there and do the best we have ever done!

We waited for our name to be called and walked on stage. Our music started and we all danced. Everyone was having a great time. When the dance ended we did our pose and walked off stage.


Host: Now for the solos in the senior division! In 5th place is Jojo with The Curse!

Jojo was not happy but she got up to get her award with a small smile on her face.

Host: In 4th place we have Kendall with Focus On Me!

Kendall was pissed that she did not win and that I probably beat her.

Host: In 3rd place is Kalani with Wildfire!

I cheered for her as she stood up to get her award. I was also getting more anxious to see who was going to win.

Host: In 2nd place is Paige with Moonlight!

I cheered for Paige because well obviously she is one of my best friends and this is a big deal for her. She had a huge smile on her face as she stood up to get her award.

Host: Now 1st place and the title of National Senior Ms Energy 2019 goes to Maddie with One Love!

I stood up to get my award. I was very happy that I won my last dance competition ever! 

Host: No moving on to solos for the adult division. In 2nd place is Payton with September!

Payton stood up to get her award. We were all waiting to see if Brooke won.

Host: In 1st place is Brooke with The Beginning!!!!!!!

Brooke stood up to get her award as we all cheered for her.


Host: Now moving onto duets in the senior division. In 4th place is Nia and Brynn with Speechless!

They stood up to get their award. They weren't really happy with where they placed.

Host: In 3rd place is Payton and Kalani with Heart of Stone!

They stood up to get their award and stood beside the others.

Host: In 2nd place is Kendall and Jojo with Tap That!

Once again they were both mad.

Host: In 1st place is Logan and Maddie with Save Me A Spark!

We stood up and hugged each other as we walked over to the host to get our award.


Host: Now trios in the senior division. In 2nd place is Kendall, Jojo and Vivi with I Like It.

They stood up to get their award and stand beside the others.

Host: 1st place we have Maddie, Chloe and Paige with Always Be Together!

We were all happy that we won the trio! We stood up and got our award.


Host: We are now on to group dances in the senior category. 10th place goes to the jsdc with Reign. In 1st place is the aldc with I Lived!!!!!!!!!!

We all stood up smiling! We won our last Nationals ever. We all went into a group hug and then walked up to get our trophy.

Host: And what is your studio name?

Everyone: ABBY LEE DANCE COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to the dressing room and were all very happy. When we walked in we saw that the producers got a cake for us. We thanked then and started to eat. When it was time to leave the competition we leaved and went back home to Pittsburgh.

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