Chapter 14

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Maddie's p.o.v

Today was Tuesday. We had a day off school yesterday. Today would be our first day in school as a couple. My mom usually drives me but since Logan is 18 he has his full licence. I have my g2 but need to wait 3 more months do drive with other people that don't have their full license. I said goodbye to my mom and we pulled into the parking lot. We got out and held each others hand. When we walked into the school everyone was staring at us.

Chloe: Oh my god!

Brynn: Couple goals!

Nia: So i'm guessing the date went well?

Maddie: It was perfect! Right babe!

Logan: Of course!

Kendall: Ugh that ugly bitch stole the guy I like!

Kalani: How could he love a girl like her? I thought he liked pretty girls.

Jojo: Kendall why don't you just steal him from her?

Kendall: Perfect. I need to do something else to her before I steal her boyfriend though.

Payton: What is that?

Kendall: Make sure she can't dance at Nationals.

Kendall's p.o.v

I have been thinking about this for a long time. As much as I hate admitting it Maddie is a better dancer then me. The only way I will ever make sure she doesn't beat me is if she doesn't compete. We have nationals on June 1st. If I can break her ankle then she won't be able to dance. Even if it heals before nationals she will be so behind on training that I will win. I also need to steal her boyfriend. Logan is the hottest boy in the school and he should be with me. Let's be honest here. He is probably only dating her because she can dance. If she can't dance with him so that he wins then there would be no point in dating her.

Maddie's p.o.v

School was starting so I said goodbye to Logan and went to class. I had Art. I walked into the classroom and sat with Chloe, Paige, Brynn and Nia. We got our clay and continued working on our sculptures. The group of girls that hate me started calling me names. Paige went up to one and grabbed her by her shirt when the teacher wasn't looking. The girl was scared for her life. I thanked Paige when she sat back down. When class was almost over we put our things away and packed up. The bell rung and we all left to go to our next class. My next class was math. I walked into math and sat down. I just wanted it to be lunch already. That way I could see my boyfriend. We had a test so we cleared off our desks and started. When I finished my test I just went on my phone. When class was over we met up with our boyfriends and went to lunch.


School was over and I said goodbye to Logan. I have dance and he also has dance at his studio. I got home and went to my room. I started putting things into my dance bag. When I finished we got into the car and I drove us to dance. When we arrived we walked inside and said hello to Abby and Gianna. I walked into the dancers den and saw my friends. We got changed and then headed to studio b. Today we have one class, pyramid and then interviews. We got warmed up and class started. It was a hip hop class. We haven't had one in forever. We might have a hip hop dance this week or next week. That would be fun. When our class was over we were called into studio a. 

Abby: Ok so on the bottom of the pyramid is Nia Paige and Chloe. Nia your solo placed fifth. It was beautiful but your feet were sickled. Paige your solo placed fourth. you were early by a second but I guess the judges didn't notice. Chloe your solo placed 3rd. Your emotion was great! On the top is Brynn and Maddie! Brynn you rarely put emotion in your dance and last weeks emotion was perfect. Maddie you were flawless. you had a perfect score. Mackenzie is proud of all of you! Now this week we are going to Starbound in Denver, Colorado. This week is duet week.

Maddie: But there is only 5 of us?

Abby: Just wait please. Our first duet goes to Nia and Chloe. It is musical theater.  The name of your dance is Popular. The second duet goes to Brynn and Paige. It is jazz. It is called Look At Me Now. Now Maddie you have a duet called With You. Now please welcome the newest member of the team Logan and his mom Vanessa!

Maddie: Oh my god!

I ran up to him and kissed him. I forgot that the cameras were recording  but I don't care.

Abby: So like I said you and Logan have a lyrical dance called With You. Also everyone we will be going up against the jsdc once again this week. They saw that we only entered duets so they did the same. 

When pyramid was over we had interviews. Since they are for last week I had to talk about Kendall. I hate her so much. I just wish that I knew she was hurting Kenzie earlier so that I could stop it. After interviews We were all invited to Nia's house for supper. We walked inside and her dad was cooking. We were having tacos. When he finished cooking we thanked him and got our food. Since there is so many of us in her house Holly allowed us to eat in the living room. We sat down and started talking about Christmas. Christmas was a month away. Some of us were going on vacation. Every year My mom, Mackenzie and I would go to Florida for Christmas break. Maybe this year we will invite Logan and his family. He has his mom, dad and younger sister. After we all left Nia's house we were driving home. I asked my mom if Logan's family could come.She thought it was a great idea. I can't wait to ask Logan at school tomorrow.

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