Chapter 15

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Maddie's p.o.v

Today is the first day of Christmas Break. We are leaving tomorrow for Florida. Abby was having her annual Christmas recital/party at the dance studio. The time we get off at school for the holidays we also get off dance. One of the many dances we are doing are the duets from a few weeks ago. Logan and I placed 2nd. It was fine because Brynn and Paige won. I hate when I always win because I want the others to get a chance. Since lifetime is filming they unfortunately are making the jsdc show up. Abby walked out on stage to talk.

Abby: Now before the recital starts I have something to say. Could Nia, Chloe, Paige, Brynn and Maddie please join me on stage.

We joined Abby on stage and listened to her talk.

Abby: So when Dance Moms Started back in 2011 I would of never imagined it becoming something this big. Now here we are on season 10 and still going strong. This journey has been an amazing one. We have accomplished so much in these last years. What I am trying to say is that season 10 will be the last season of dance moms ever.

We were all crying. It was a mix of sad tears and happy tears. So much has happened on this show. I have met my best friends, won who knows how many titles. I have also lost many friends and my sister but the good overpowers the bad. We still have a year left at the aldc before we actually move out for school. When Abby finished her speech the crowed cheered. We then cleared off the stage getting ready for the performance. Before the recital started Everyone was backstage getting into our places. We are performing a group dance called Boy. Logan was the lead in this dance. We got on stage and performed. Tonight was going to be fun.


We were 43 minutes into the recital. I had a solo. It is called Infinity. I walked out onto stage and got into my starting pose. Kendall was sitting there booing me from the audience. She then got up and left. I started my dance and was doing great. When I finished I walked backstage. Kendall was there. I walked past her but she stopped me. All of a sudden she had a bat. I tried running but it was too late.

Kendall's p.o.v

I was about to do something great. I was going to break Maddie's ankle. I have the  best plan ever. When she starts her solo I will go backstage with a bat. There is a small set of stairs backstage. When she is standing by them I will hit her ankle with my bat. She will fall down the steps and hurt her ankle even more. I told the girls my plan and they loved it. Maddie walked on stage and I got up from my seat. She was dancing really good and of course that was a bad thing. I sneaked backstage and waited by the stairs. The music ended Maddie walked off stage. As she walked past me I hit her ankle with the bat and pushed her down the stairs. Before anyone else catches me I booked it out of there and went home.

Maddie's p.o.v

The next thing I knew I was down the stairs screaming my head off. Everyone came running towards me. I was in so much pain. Someone picked me up from the stairs and brought me to a table. My mom came running towards me. She said that there was a mom there that was a paramedic. My mom hugged me as I continued to cry from the pain. Once the ambulance arrived we got in. 

Maddie: Mom what am I going to do now? Nationals is in 23 weeks! What if I can't dance!

Melissa: Maddie please calm down and tell me what happened.

Maddie: I came off stage and saw Kendall. She hit my ankle with a baseball bat and then pushed me down the stairs!

Melissa: Wait Kendall did this!

Maddie: Ow!!!!!

We got to the hospital and I got x rays done. They came to the conclusion that my left ankle was fractured. They put on a waterproof cast since I was going to Florida. They then gave me pain meds. The door to my room opened and in came everyone. They all gave me a hug. I was still waiting for the doctor to tell me how long it needs to heal before I can dance. When it heals I will be putting in double time at the studio. Since it was late everyone started heading home. Christi brought over our car from where the recital was. The doctor finally came back into the room.

Doctor: So it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the bones to heal. I don't want you dancing for at least 3 months.

Maddie: 3 months! That is too long!

Doctor: Maddie if you dance on that ankle before it is completely healed you will injure it further.

Maddie: I have nationals in 5 months!

Doctor: Your ankle should be fully healed by then.

Maddie: Yeah but I will miss out in 3 months of training.

Once we were ok to leave I was given crutches. I went home and tried to get some sleep since we have to catch a plane tomorrow.


I woke up and it was 8:00 AM. I was in extreme pain again. I took my meds but they didn't help that much. I grabbed my crutches and went to my closet. I picked out sweatpants and a comfy sweater. Since it will be hot in Florida I have shorts and a t shirt in my carry on. Next I put my hair into a messy bun and did my makeup. I made my way downstairs and ate breakfast. My mom was putting things into the trunk. After breakfast Logan and his family finally showed up. We got into our car and headed to the airport. Once we arrived and got checked in we walked to the gate. We arrived earlier then normal since I had to walk on crutches. We made our way to the gate. Once we got to the gate we sat on chairs until we had to board.

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