Chapter 22

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Maddie's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was Thursday. It ws 10:00 AM. I freaked out for a moment and then realized that today was prom. I am not going to school today since I have to get ready. Well most of the girls going to prom are not going to school today. Since Brooke came back her boyfriend who is doing a victory lap in high school invited her. That meant there is a group of 12 of us going together. I got up and walked downstairs. My mom was sleeping in today since she has the day off work. She was going to wake up soon so I decided to make her breakfast since she always does it for me. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed everything I needed to make muffins. It took me 10 minutes to make them and 20 to cook them. When they were finished I heard my moms alarm go off. I grabbed her favorite mug and put it under the keurig. I put the tea in and turned it on. When I was done I grabbed my mug and made myself coffee. I heard the door to my moms room open and close and waited for her to walk down the stairs.

Melissa: What's the occasion?

Maddie: Nothing. I just wanted to do something nice for you because you are my mom and I love you.

Melissa: I love you too Maddie!

She hugged me and then we sat down to eat.

Melissa: So are you excited for prom tonight?

Maddie: I can't wait!

Melissa: Your dad said he was able to book the day off of Nationals and he will be here for both your aldc and high school graduation.

It took a while but after Mackenzie's death my parents are able to be around each other and be civil at the same time.

Melissa: You have your nail appointment at 1:30 and your hair appointment at 3:00.

Maddie: Ok.

After breakfast I cleaned the dishes and texted everyone in the group chat. We were sending each other pictures of our dresses for the who knows how many times now.

 We were sending each other pictures of our dresses for the who knows how many times now

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I got in the car with the girls and we went to the nail salon. We were all getting more excited 0bad fas prom night was getting closer. When we got to the salon we sat in chairs and picked our nail color. I picked a french tip since my dress and lipstick is already red. The other girls were either getting a color that matched their dress or a nude color. They only had 3 open seats at a time so Paige, Brynn and I waited while Nia, Brooke and Chloe went first. All of a sudden we heard the door open. We looked over to see Payton and Kalani. They were getting their nails done for prom. They glared at us and waited far back in line. When it was our turn we at down and started.


After getting our nails done we all had different hairdressers to go to. I decided to go with my mom. She is good friends with the girl and I need someone to talk so it is just not awkward silence. I decided on this.

After my hair was done it was 3:45

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After my hair was done it was 3:45. I have until 5:00 to get my makeup done and put on my dress. I immediately started my makeup because I wanted it to be perfect and to have time to fix it if I mess up. I also have some different ideas of what I want to do. I laid out all my makeup and started. When I finished it was 4:30. I put on my dress and got my shoes. My mom came into my room and started taking pictures of me. Since my mom was extra and we were the last people to get picked up by the limo my mom made a backdrop to take group photos to share with us and all of the moms. I took a few solo pictures and them waited for Logan to show up to take pictures with him. When it was 4:45 he showed up. He handed me over a corsage while I gave him  boutonniere. He then kissed me and we took more pictures. I heard the limo pull up and all of my friends and their boyfriends were here. We quickly took group pictures of everyone,the girls, the guys, each couple and each person. When we were done we said goodbye to my mom and got into the limo. We pulled up to prom and walked inside. We found our table and placed our things down. We took more pictures and then began dancing. The first song was a slow song so I grabbed Logan's hand and started dancing. It's a good thing that we actually know how to dance. When it was time for supper we all grabbed plates and went to the buffet to get food. It was a chicken dinner. We grabbed our food and sat down. We looked over to the other table to see Kalani and Payton sitting alone. We wanted to laugh but we also felt bad for them. Maybe we can work things out and be friends again. You never really know. Some of the girls didn't want to be the person to ask so I got up and walked over to the table.

Kalani: Maddie? What are you doing over here?

Maddie: I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with all of us. We have 2 empty seats.

Payton: What really?

Maddie: Yes.

Kalani: But why we have been acting horrible to all of you?

Chloe: I think we are all willing to put that behind us.

Nia: So will you come sit with us?

Payton and Kalani: Yes!

After supper all 14 of us went back onto the dance floor. I was happy that I was able to be friends with them again. Kendall and Jojo literally tried to shove my face into boiling water so they obviously no matter what don't care about us. After prom was over we all decided to not go to after prom, Logan and I got dropped off at my house. It was late and Logan didn't really feel like walking home alone so he stayed over. I opened my closet and grabbed the pair of pj's he had from last time he slept over. While he got changed in my room I went into my bathroom to take off my makeup and brush my hair. When I finished I took off my dress and got into pj's. I was surprised that my mom let him stay over and sleep in my bed. Well I guess I am turning 18 in 3 months and he is in 6. Then again all we are doing is sleeping. I  said goodnight to him and kissed him before readjusting my pillows and falling asleep.

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