Chapter 20

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Maddie's p.o.v

Today was Wednesday. Right now we are on our spare. Chloe, Nia and I were studying for a huge test coming up in science. Exams were also in a month. Everyone was stressed. On top of school we have prom, graduation, nationals and dance moms is ending forever in 4 weeks. We walked into the library and found a table. Once we sat down we got out our books out and began studying. I didn't really want to study because I am feeling sick but I really need to pass this test or I might fail the class. Science is not my best subject. We studied until the bell rang. When school was over we went to dance. We had 3 classes before we got to practice our dances. I was bored. I just wanted to get to my dance. When all the classes were over it was 6:30. We were filming so we took a break to eat before we dance again. They were setting up to film. I know all my choreography so now I am just running through my dance. All of  sudden I felt the urge to throw up. I ran out of the room down the hall to the bathrooms. I then threw up everything in my stomach. I thought I was not feeling good because of nerves. Not because I have a fever or anything. My mom walked into the bathroom and to the stall. After flushing the toilet I washed my hand and left the room.

Melissa: I'll tell Abby you are not feeling well. Just grab you stuff and go to the car.

Maddie: Ok. I walked into the dancers den where Logan was. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I was sick and going home. He kissed me and then I said goodbye. When I grabbed my stuff I went to the car and got in. 2 minutes later my mom came in and we went home. When we went home I immediately said goodnight to my mom and tried to sleep.


Today was the day of the competition. It turns out that I only had a fever but I am ok now. Since the competition is in Pittsburgh we don't need to rent one of those buses to take us to the competition. I got into the car and drove my mom and I to the competition. When we got there we walked in and said hi to some fans. We found everyone else and waited for Abby to sign us in. We then went to our dressing room and got ready. I put my costume on and then started with my hair and makeup. The only person who has seen all of the dances is Gianna. When I was ready We all took our pictures and posted them on Instagram. 

Logan was on first. His solo was called In Love. It was really good. This was his first time choreographing a dance. When he came off stage Brynn went on. Her solo was called The Start. She came off stage and then it was Chloe's turn. Her solo was called Fly. Then it was my turn. I went on stage and got into my starting pose. This was probably going to be my favourite dance. Like I said before the song means something to me. When I finished my dance I walked off stage and got ready to watch Paige. Her solo was called Blondes Have More Fun. She did great.  Last was Nia. Her solo is called  Higher. After she finished her solo we watched everyone else perform. At the end of the competition we got up on stage for awards.

Host: In 6th place we have Logan with In Love!

Logan smiled and got up to get his award.

Host: In 5th place we have Paige with Blondes Have More Fun!

Paige got her award and stood beside Logan.

Host: In 4th place we have Chloe with Fly!

Chloe got her award and stood beside Paige.

Host: In 3rd place we have Brynn with The Start.

Brynn got her award and stood beside Chloe.

Host: In second place is Nia with Higher!

Nia stood up and got her award standing beside Brynn.

Host: In 1st place is Maddie with Jet Black Heart!

I stood up and got my trophy. I then said my studio name and stood beside all of the other girls. When all the awards were given out we went back to the dressing room to pack up and leave.

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