Chapter 9

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Maddie's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. Great I have school today. It has been a week since the funeral and 6 days since I started going back to school. I hate it. I got up and started my daily routine as usual. My mom called me from downstairs for breakfast once it was ready. 

Melissa: So are you excited that you get to go back to dance today.

Maddie: Sure.

Melissa: Maddie if you need more time then that's ok.

Maddie: I'm fine mom!

Melissa: Ok but if you ever need someone to talk to.

Maddie: I said I was fine mom!

Melissa: Maddie you might be 17 but you don't get to speak to your mother this way!

Maddie: Whatever. 

I got up from the table and went back to my room. When it was time to go to school I put my earbuds in and walked to the car. I got in and waited for my mom. Once she was in she started driving. I just recently got my g2 but I don't feel like driving today. She started driving and it was just silent since I was listening to music.

Melissa: Maddie have a good day!

Maddie: Thanks I guess. I got out of the car and watched as my mom drove off. This was my 7th day back. Each day should be getting easier but it isn't. Brynn put up a memorial at Mackenzie's old locker. It was really nice of her. Other students that were nice but barely knew her added to it. I walked by and looked at it. I then went to my locker. I had art first so I got what I needed and walked around the school. Everyone was staring at me. The usual people were also bullying me.  ignored them and walked past them. The bell rang and everyone started heading to class. I had art. When I came back the teacher changed the seating plan. Instead of being in big groups we were in groups of 2. Instead of Kendall sitting beside me I was alone. It would of been Mackenzie's desk if she was still alive. We are allowed to sit with whoever but I made it known to the entire class that I did not want them sitting beside me. I put my bag down on the chair beside me and got my stuff out. We were starting a new project today but I still had to finished the one from last week. I put my earbuds in and got started. When I finished last weeks project I got started on this weeks one. Well actually this one was going on for more than a week. It was clay sculptures. I was really excited. I pulled out my laptop from my bag and went to search for ideas. I came across this picture of a jewelry box. It then gave me an idea. On the inside was a ballerina. I was going to recreate the ballerina and put it on a flat platform. This was kind of going to be fun because I also have to create the costume. I was going to do one of Mackenzie's old ones. Once I found my inspiration I sketched it out onto paper. We don't actually start using the clay until tomorrow. When the bell rang I put everything into my backpack and headed to Math. I hate math more then ever now. I asked if I could move seats but the teacher said no. That means I am stuck beside Kendall for the rest of the month at least. I sat down at my desk and got my textbooks out.

Kendall: Hey Maddie.

Maddie: What part of don't talk to me do you not understand?

Kendall: I said I was sorry. I never meant to make Kenzie suicidal.

Maddie: What did you think was going to happen when you kept on telling her to kill herself?

Kendall: You know what Maddie. I made her life a living hell and I can sure as hell do the same to you. I know about how you had an eating disorder. I know you are bullied and depressed. I wouldn't be surprised if you killed yourself.

Maddie: How do you know all of that?

Kendall: I started the bullying. Whenever I would tell people to back off online they know I didn't mean it because I started the bullying. I saw you throw up your food but I made it seem like I didn't. All of the girls at school that are not on tv are basically my minions.

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