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* 5 Years Later*

Maddie's p.o.v

I got up from my bed when I heard a crying sound coming from my baby monitor. It was my 1 year old son Connor. We found out that I was pregnant in my last year at Julliard. Today is the grand opening of my dance studio. It is called ZL Dance Company. Chloe and I both decided to open a studio together. I hope to be as good of a teacher as Abby was. Logan and I both got up to see what was wrong. We figured out that he was just hungry. While Logan held him I went to get him a bottle.

Chloe's p.o.v

It has been 5 years since the show ended. Today Maddie and I are opening a dance studio together. In the last 5 years I graduated from Julliard, got married and have had twin girls. Their names are Ally and Emma. When it was time to go for the grand opening all 4 of us got into the car and drove there.

Nia's p.o.v

In the last 5 years I have accomplished a lot. I have released a few albums and have been on Broadway. Unfortunately when I got pregnant my boyfriend and I broke up. Her name is Layla and she is 4.

Paige's p.o.v

In the last 5 years I went to school to become a fashion designer. I graduated and have a few fashion shows. I am now working with Maddie and Chloe to help them with costumes. I got married a year ago and am pregnant. We don't know the gender yet but we will soon.

Brooke's p.o.v

I honestly haven't been doing much since dance moms ended. I am now going to be the acro teacher for ZL Dance Company. I was very excited when they asked me.

Brynn's p.o.v

After high school I stopped dancing. I don't know why but I just lost passion for it. I decided that I wanted to become a teacher. I am still in school for that and will be graduating this year.

Logan's p.o.v

My life is perfect. I married the girl of my dreams, had a child and am providing for my family. I decided to go for accounting and I now work at a bank in Pittsburgh. Maddie is opening a dance studio today and I am proud of her. She has been through a lot since even before her sister died and now she is coming out on top.

Maddie's p.o.v

I arrived at the studio early and saw a whole bunch of people. All of my family and friends were here to support us. I then saw Abby. I gave her a hug and then got to work. Chloe and I decided that this would be just recreational and not a competition team. We also teach all the way from baby ballet to adults. We were setting up all of the classes for tomorrow. We also have a recital in 6 months that we have to prepare for. It was now half an hour before the grand opening. We brought everyone into what would be our studio a. 

Logan: So Maddie and I have something we want to tell you all.

Everyone: What is it?

Maddie: We are expecting again!

Once we told everyone we were bombarded with questions. Everyone wanted to know how far along I was, if we know the gender and when the due date is.

Logan: I'll let you talk.

Maddie: We are 16 weeks pregnant and our baby girl is due December 5th!

Everyone congratulated us and then some were asking why we waited so long to tell them. After we finished talking we went outside. There were a lot of people here to see Chloe and I. A lot of them are just fans though and are not actually here to sign up for dance. We cut the ribbon and then went inside. Chloe and I hugged each other and then walked inside to celebrate with everyone else.

The End.

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