2. Another Day Out

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Olivia woke up the next morning thinking about the day before. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she thought about Elliot. She thought people would think it was a little fast that they had a connection right away but she didn't really care what people thought. She learned from a young age not to care about other people's opinions because on rare occasions when her mom would take her out to go shopping or to the park when she was little, people would always stare because her mom would be drunk.

Once she got up, showered and dressed for the day, Olivia went back to her and Alex's room and found that her phone was lit up with a text message. It was from Elliot. Here come the butterflies again.

Good morning, Badass Benson. Hope you slept well. What're you doing today? -Sexy Stabler

She smiled as she wrote back.

Good morning to you, too. I was thinking of going to the mall and making fun of people as they shopped, haha. But it seems like you have something in mind, what're you thinking? -Badass Benson

Her message was barely sent before his response came.

Would it be okay if I joined you? -Sexy Stabler

She blushed as she read his response.

I'd like that. Meet me in the food court in a half hour. See you soon. :) -Badass Benson


After taking the bus to the mall, Olivia was sitting in the food court with a huge plate of food in front her, waiting for Elliot since she was early. Arriving on time, Elliot found Olivia in the food court eating a cheeseburger and fries. I'm glad she's not a salad girl, he thought to himself.

"Found you." He whispered in her ear as he snuck up behind her.

She jumped a little and when she turned to look at him, she saw his shit eating grin so she punched his arm in return. "Damn you, Stabler, you scared the shit outta me." She said as he bent down next to her.

He got a serious look in his eyes and reached forward to hug her. She was shocked. She didn't mean to make him feel bad because she was only joking but she appreciated the fact that even if she was only pretending to be scared, he still wanted to make her feel better and that made her heart melt.

Once they separated from the hug, he moved a piece of hair behind her ear and gently kissed her forehead. They smiled at each other then he sat on the other side of the booth she chose to sit in and stole some of her fries.

Hey! Get your own," she teased as he laughed and ate the fries he stole from her plate.

"But it's more fun to steal from your plate instead of going allllll the way over there, standing in line and waiting to get my own food," he joked as she laughed and shook her head at him. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go around the mall and try on some clothes that we would never wanna wear outside of the store and then maybe see what movies are playing." She said as she finished her food.

Elliot smiled and nodded. "Sounds like fun." He replied as they got up and started walking around the mall.


Two hours later, after going to all of the different stores and making fun of people and actually buying some clothes that looked good on them, they were on their way to the movie theater inside the mall to see Footloose. They bought soda and a popcorn they would share and when they entered the theater, they saw Alex and Trevor sitting together in the front row, kissing. Elliot and Olivia looked at each other in shock then started laughing softly as they took their seats in the back.

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