19. Anything and Everything

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The next morning, Elliot woke up and found Olivia still snuggled in his arms with a smile on her face. The fact that she was now his wife...he couldn't put into words how happy he felt. His mind went back to the night before as they made love for the first time as husband and wife and their first time without protection. He rested his hand gently on her belly as he pictured her growing swollen with his child. Their child. He smiled at the thought.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, husband?" Olivia asked softly and when he looked up at her, he saw that her eyes were open and her smile was wide. God, he loved that smile.

He laughed softly and ran his fingers over her belly. She squirmed since she was ticklish and he smiled. "I'm just thinking about my wife carrying my child. Our child. I should've talked to you about this before and I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel rushed or feel like you're doing it alone while I'm in boot camp. I want to be able to experience this with you. I'm sorry." He rambled slightly as she snuggled herself deeper into his arms.

"Hey, it's okay. I told you that I'm ready for anything and everything. Yes, we're young and we still need to find our own place now that we're married but if I do get pregnant soon, it'll be okay. We can't plan this sort of thing but at least we know we'll be ready when I get pregnant. You're not rushing me and if it just so happens that I do get pregnant while you're at boot camp, you'll be coming home every weekend so you can feel him or her kick. You can still experience this with me. It's okay, El." Olivia said and when she finished, she looked up into her husband's eyes and was shocked when she saw tears.

"I love you so much, baby. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world for being able to spend the rest of my life with someone as amazing as you." Elliot said and they smiled as their lips joined in a soft kiss which led to them making love.

Once they finished, they decided to get some food at the end of the boardwalk, then splash around in the ocean. They couldn't stop smiling and enjoying their time as husband and wife before going back to reality.


"I can't believe they're married now." Melinda said softly as the rest of the gang hung out in Alex's backyard.

"Me either but it feels like they've already been married for a while, ya know?" Alex said softly as she smiled.

"Just imagine if they come back and she's pregnant. A Benson-Stabler combo? The world is doomed." Fin joked and everyone laughed.


Three days later...

"I don't wanna leave, El." Olivia said with a pout as she started to pack her clothes back into her bag to get ready to leave.

"You are so fucking cute." Elliot said as he smiled and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her. "I don't wanna leave either but we have to, baby. But hey, once I come back from boot camp, we can come back here any time we want." He said and laughed when her face lit up and he kissed her nose.

"I feel like we should say goodbye to the room." Olivia said with a smirk as she started taking off her shirt.

"Ya know, I think you're right." Elliot said and they laughed as they fell on the bed and made love, without protection, one last time before they had to go back home. To reality.

An hour and a half later, they laid together, their bodies entangled, lost in thought.

"Do you think we made a baby?" Elliot asked softly as he ran his fingers through his wife's hair and kissed her forehead lightly.

"There's only one way to know for sure but no matter what, I love you and I'm ready. We're ready, right?" Olivia asked as she looked into her husband's eyes.

"I just want to be able to provide for you and the baby. I want to experience everything with you. I don't wanna be stuck at work all day and miss something in the baby's life. I don't wanna be like my father. Well, not my real father but Joe." Elliot said softly with tears in his eyes.

Olivia's heart broke. She brought him into her arms, resting his head on her chest, his ear settling on her heartbeat. "Listen to me. You will not turn into that monster. You are the sweetest, most caring and loving man I have ever met. You are absolutely nothing like him, okay? You treat me like I'm the queen of the fucking universe and that lets me know that you will treat our kids, no matter how many we have, with nothing but love. Got it?"

"What the hell did I do to deserve you?" He asked as he lifted his head off of her chest and kissed her lips softly as he ran his hand through her hair.

"You treated me like an actual human being and not a punching bag. You showed me what it's like to love and be loved. And it helps that you don't...disobey me." Olivia said with an evil smirk as she turned them slowly so she was on top of him.

"And what would happen if I were to disobey you?" Elliot teased as he ran his hands down his naked wife's body until they landed on her bottom.

"You'll be in for a world of hurt. Are you sure you can handle it?" She teased back as she sat up on him.

"Oh, I'm sure." He growled as he sat up with her and they made love once again. Without protection.


Finally, they managed to get out of bed, pack their bags and go home. Once they were almost home, Elliot decided to get some gas while Olivia went into the Walmart across the street. Stopping in one aisle, her eyes landed on a pregnancy test. She ran her hand over her belly, praying that they made a baby.

"You ready, baby?" Elliot asked, snapping her out of her thoughts as she paid for the pregnancy test and some snacks she picked up.

"Yeah, I think I am." Olivia responded with a smile and he smiled back as he intertwined their fingers, walking back to the truck to go home.

She knew that they weren't in the best place in their lives to have a baby but they promised each other that they were ready for anything and everything. No matter what.

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