9. Family Doesn't Need To Be Blood

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The next few weeks had been hectic. Olivia had started therapy even though she was hesitant at first but it helped a lot more than she thought it would. Captain Cragen had sent his team out to the river by the warehouse where Olivia was taken to find Serena's body. It didn't take them very long and since Serena didn't have any living family left except for Olivia, they asked Olivia to identify the body. When she arrived at the morgue's office with Elliot by her side, Elliot was told to wait in the medical examiner's office while Olivia confirmed that it was in fact her mother laying on the medical examiner's table. She didn't show any emotion when she identified Serena's body but as soon as she walked out of the morgue and saw Elliot, she broke down. Elliot ran to her and enveloped her in his arms.

"Why couldn't she have been a real mother to me? Why couldn't she have loved me the way a mother is supposed to love their child?" Olivia asked as she collapsed into Elliot's arms.

"She did love you, baby. She just...didn't know how to show it." Elliot said gently as he scooped her into his arms and carried her out to the car as she sobbed.

A few days later, Serena's funeral came. Even though Olivia didn't feel as though her mother deserved to have a funeral where people could grieve for the loss of their friend and coworker since she treated Olivia so badly growing up, she knew deep down that Serena really did love her so she organized the funeral with Bernie's help. Bernie, Elliot, his siblings and the gang attended the funeral as well as a few of Serena's coworkers and friends. Olivia was surprised to hear Serena's coworkers talk about Serena as a kind, loving person. They never knew that Serena was raped and that Olivia was the product. They never knew Olivia even existed.

They never knew the real truth.


A few days after the funeral, the trial started. Ed Tucker was being charged with kidnapping, accessory to rape, and the murder of Serena Benson. Mike Sandoval was being charged with accessory to kidnapping, aggravated assault, and rape. Olivia didn't have to testify right away and she and Elliot were relieved about that. That gave Olivia time to mentally prepare.

The morning of her testimony, Olivia was nervous but surprisingly, she was ready. She wasn't going to let these bastards get away with what they did to her and her mother, even if her mother was part of the kidnapping.

Elliot arrived at the Cabot house to pick up Olivia and Alex the morning of Olivia's testimony. Olivia insisted that the gang didn't have to be there for her testimony but they wanted to show their support.

Elliot knocked on the front door and Steven Cabot answered. He smiled and reached out to shake Elliot's hand. "Come on in, Elliot. The girls are almost ready." He said as he welcomed Elliot in and brought him into the living room.

"Thank you, Mr. Cabot." Elliot said politely with a smile.

"No problem, Elliot and please, call me Steven. Can I get you anything?" Steven asked.

"No, thank you." Elliot said as they sat on the couch.

"Elliot, let me just say, thank you for being a part of Olivia's life. I haven't seen her so happy in a long time. It's like you've brought out another side to her and we couldn't be more thankful to you." Steven said as he rested a hand on Elliot's shoulder.

"You don't need to thank me, Steven. I couldn't be more thankful that you brought her into your home and have become a family to her. As for me, my mother said the same thing. That Olivia has brought out another side of me and I couldn't more thankful to her. I love her so much." Elliot said with slight tears in his eyes.

"She loves you, too, Elliot, and like Lenore says, family doesn't need to be blood." Steven said as he embraced Elliot in a manly hug.

Just then, Alex and Olivia walked out of their shared bedroom. "I think he just got my dad's blessing." She teased and Olivia elbowed her gently.

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