14. Promise

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It seemed like time was just flying by because Christmas was in a few short days. The gang decided to spend Christmas with their families then get together for New Years Eve. They all bought presents for each other and couldn't wait to exchange them. Their winter break was from December Twenty-Third to January Third so they were thankful for the long break and not having to worry about going back to school so soon.

Not wanting to go out in the cold weather, the gang decided to hang out at the mall, just enjoying being together. The girls were shopping in one store while the guys shopped in another for their New Years Eve attire.

"Liv, can I ask you something?" Casey asked as she held a dress across her body, trying to decide if she liked it or not.

"Of course, Case." Olivia responded as she also held a dress to her body, wondering if she liked it or not.

"Is it too soon for Ryan and I to...ya know." Casey said as she blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

"Casey, I believe that if you are truly in love with someone and you see yourself lasting with the person for a long time, if not for the rest of your life, it doesn't matter if it's too soon. If the time is right, then the time is right." Olivia said as she put the dress back and picked out a maroon dress that she instantly fell in love with.

"Thanks, Liv. I can't explain it but I just feel so comfortable with Ryan and I can see us being together for a long time. I just hope he feels the same way." Casey said as she picked out a deep green dress that she fell in love with as well.

"I can tell that he does. Every time you're around, he has this big smile and you can just see in his eyes that he deeply cares about you and loves you." Olivia said and they hugged.

All of a sudden, they heard a sniffle and turned to look at a crying Melinda who was in Alex's arms.

"Mel, what happened? Why are you crying?" Olivia asked, concerned as she and Casey walked over to them.

"I feel like Fin is gonna break up with me." Melinda whispered as she gently pulled away from Alex and wiped her eyes.

"Why would you think that? He loves you, Mel!" Casey said as she rubbed Melinda's arm gently.

"He's just been kind of distant lately and sometimes, I feel like he isn't always happy to see me or talk to me. I don't know what to do." Melinda said as she sobbed and fell back into Alex's arms again.

"Mel, he loves you. I would just try to talk to him and see what's going on. I'm sure you didn't do anything that would make him want to break up, honey. Do you want me to get Elliot to talk to him?" Olivia asked softly.

"I do but I don't want to cause any trouble or anything. I just wanna know what's wrong so I can try to help him." Melinda said as Olivia discreetly pulled out her phone and texted Elliot.

Can you talk to Fin and ask him what's going on? Melinda's crying and she thinks he's gonna break up with her. -Badass Benson


Elliot received his girlfriend's text just as Fin walked out of the fitting room. "Hey, man. How's it goin' with Melinda?" He asked, hoping he sounded nonchalant and casual.

Fin sighed. "I'm freaking out, man. Monique texted me yesterday and said she wants to get back together. I told her that I have a girlfriend that I'm very much in love with and she didn't take that very well. I just don't wanna lose Mel if she finds out about Monique. I can't lose her, bro." Fin said and to Elliot's surprise, he could've sworn he saw tears forming in his friends' eyes.

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