5. Family

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Once Fin arrived at the Cabot house, Olivia and Alex rushed into his truck and he drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Alex sat in the backseat with Olivia, holding her hand and praying with her. Olivia was never one to pray or ask for help but right now, she didn't care.

"He's gonna be okay, Liv. He's gonna be okay." Alex whispered to Olivia softly as she tried to stop crying.

"I can't lose him, Alex. I just can't." Olivia whispered as she wiped her eyes; taking slow, deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

They arrived at the hospital and Olivia didn't wait for Fin to even park before she ran out of the truck, into the hospital and to the front desk.

"Elliot Stabler, where is he? How is he?" Olivia asked frantically to the nurse who didn't even bother to look up from her computer screen.

"That information is private unless you're related to the patient, kid." The nurse spat.

"Lady, I swear to God-"Olivia started to say but stopped when she heard Bernie speak softly behind her.

"Olivia, dear." Bernie said and Olivia rushed to her, collapsing into her arms as she sobbed.

"Mrs. Stabler, have you heard anything?" Olivia asked as she tried to calm her cries in front of her boyfriend's mother.

"Nothing yet, sweetheart. Come on, let's go sit down. I want to introduce you to Elliot's brothers and sisters." Bernie replied as she pulled back from their embrace and ran her fingers through Olivia's hair. Elliot's siblings introduced themselves from oldest to youngest; Michael, Jessica, Andrew, Emily, and Laurie. Elliot was born after Emily and before Laurie. After the introductions were over, Olivia finally noticed that the gang was sitting in the visitor chairs. Trevor and Alex were talking quietly to distract themselves so they didn't panic about Elliot, Mike and Casey were staring off into space, and Fin was standing against the wall with Melinda whose father was the doctor working on saving Elliot.

A few minutes later, Dr. Warner came out to the waiting room, his scrubs covered in some of Elliot's blood. Oh God, please let him be okay, Olivia prayed silently.

"Family of Elliot Stabler?" Dr. Warner asked as he looked at Bernie expectantly. All of the Stabler's walked over to the doctor as Olivia stayed a few feet away, wanting to know how Elliot was but not knowing if she was allowed to or not. The rest of the gang watched silently.

Bernie saw Olivia waiting behind her so she gently grabbed Olivia's hand and pulled her closer, allowing her to hear about Elliot's condition. "I'm his mother, these are his siblings and this is his girlfriend. Tell me, how is my son?" Bernie asked with tears in her eyes as she squeezed Olivia's hand.

"He had a broken nose as well as a broken arm. We were able to fix both but he's going to need some physical therapy for his arm. Fortunately, he's going to be okay. He's not awake yet because of the anesthesia but he should be waking up soon. When he does wake up, he could have slight memory loss but that's completely normal. He'll be able to go home tomorrow morning if his vitals remain stable overnight. You're welcome to wait for him to wake up in his room. He's in Three-B," Dr. Warner said as he smiled and walked away.

The whole family and the gang rejoiced as they all breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm going to bring his brothers and sisters in to visit for a bit. Would you like to come, Olivia?" Bernie asked, knowing Olivia was dying to see Elliot.

Olivia nodded eagerly. "I'll text you guys and let you know how he's doing and see if he wants to see you after they leave." Olivia whispered to the gang before heading up to Elliot's room with his family.

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