Chapter seven

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"You're late."

Will is leaning against a tree at the edge of the forest where we agreed to meet. He is staring at me as I walk towards him. The morning is a little chilly so he is rugged up in a woolen hat and scarf, as well as a coat that looks incredibly toasty. 

I was supposed to meet him half an hour ago. Oops. Emma and Hook would have started asking questions if I had snuck off early. Ever since moving out, they have wanted to have breakfast or some other meal with me every day. When they asked me to breakfast, I couldn't decline as I had no legitimate excuse. I didn't want to be followed either.

"I got held up," I say with a shrug. "Plus, I told you not to be late. Doesn't matter when I arrive."

He huffs and then shrugs. He pushes off the tree he is leaning on and starts walking into the woods. I follow alongside him. He doesn't ask me why I was late but makes general chatter about the weather and the town, local gossip, filling me in on all the events that I've not been told about by Hook, Emma or Henry.

He briefly touches on the first creation of Storybrooke many years ago. He tells me about the many dark curses that have been cast, all the villains that have been surfaced over the years as well as strange allies that my family have made. The list at this point is endless, for both enemies and allies. Some even overlap... Like the Wicked Witch of the West, for example.

A fair way into the forest I stop in my tracks, having found a nice area to practice in. Will glances around, showing his approval with a nod.

He shucks off his heavy coat, scarf and hat, placing them on the ground. He is wearing a plain black, long sleeve shirt underneath and dark blue pants. The material is called denim, which I've come to favor but in a black compared to blue.  I take off my own over coat, knowing I'll taking it off soon anyway. 

Will does a couple of stretches and I follow suit so to warm up my muscles against the cold bite. When Will has his back turned to me, I wiggle my fingers to try to access my core and I feel a heat bloom inside me. 

I smile to myself, as I finally seem to be getting somewhere with this in Storybrooke. It hasn't been easy and has been taking a lot of work but I'm making progress. It's been small and gradual, however. I guess all I really need to do now is train myself as I'm a little out of practice. I'm still not ready to tell my father about my magic as I've no idea how he'll react.

"Alright, Kyla," Will says, snagging my attention. "What exactly am I..."

He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence. I pull my arm back and launch a flaming, blue ball of fire straight for him. He dives sideways to avoid being hit by it and the ball collides with the ground where he was standing. 

I wave my hand slowly in front of me to snuff out the flame before it has the chance to engulf the grass. I turn my attention to Will who is both frozen with fear and complete shock. He stares at me for a long while and I can't help but to smirk back at him.

"What the hell was that, Shade?" He barely gets out. Something is my stomach sparks when he calls me Shade as that's what most people used to call me, just like my father is called Hook. It has always been the way of pirates, addressing each other by their last name. "How did you do that?"

"It's a long story," is all I offer him at this stage. I walk over to him as he's still lying on the floor and offer him my hand. He hesitates for a second before grabbing it, allowing me to pull him to his feet. I turn my back to him and smirk at him over my shoulder. "I couldn't help myself."

He glares at me and shakes his head, letting out a long breath. I walk back to where I was standing before and turn to find Will has followed me over. I huff and raise my eyebrows at him. He only raised a single one in return and I lightly push him away from me. This only makes him laugh.

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