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Lauren POV

I zipped up my dress and put my gun in my purse. I put on my lipstick and took one last look at myself.

Today was the day. I was leaving my phone in the hotel room because I didn't need any distractions.

A knock came to the door. I walked to the door and opened it.

"You ready?" Ace asked.

I nodded and walked out.

We met Trigga at the elevator. It was a quiet ride on the elevator.

Once we got off we walked to the car and the driver pulled off. Trig and Ace started loading there guns.

I just sat there.

"Let's go over the plan one-" Trig said looking at me.

"I know the plan." I said looking straight.

Ace closed his eyes and leaned his head against the window. He opened his eyes and kissed his Jesus chain.

I wired up and tested it.

"Ight Lew you good to go."Ace said nodding.

The van came to a stop and we were in front of some building.

I got out and saw Diablo standing there smiling with open arms.

I walked up to him.

"Ahh when Trigga told me he was sending his partner. I didn't think he meant a Savage. How are you Lauren?" He said smirking.

"I'll be better if we could get this over with." I said smiling.

"Sì sì and might I say you are wearing that dress." He said opening the door for me.

I walked in the restaurant was empty.

"So you want my supply again? I have Trig and offer. It's either that or no deal." He said sitting down.

"No deal. He runs the biggest drug ring right now you think 200,000 is gonna make a difference? He has Jamaicans waiting with a better offer than 200,00 but he wants to do business with you." I said taking a seat.

The waiter came.

"I'll have your sweetest red wine." I said smiling.

Diablo starred at me.

"Same." He said not taking his eyes off me.

The waiter left.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"3 million." I said.

"3 million is big money. I don't think he's pulling in that much money." He said shaking his head.

I stood up.

The CARTEL (Unedited) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now