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Trigga POV

I laid in the bed with Lauren because I knew she was hurting about the Shawn situation.

I would've thought she was just sprung off that weak ass nigga but when she said they had deep history ... she really meant deep history.

"You want kids?" Lauren asked me.

I looked at her cause it caught me off guard.

"Nah. I honestly don't. I'm not being selfish or anything but I'm sure I'll have enough nieces and nephews to make up for kids." I said.

She nodded.

"You don't have to worry about a kid from me. I can't have them so." She said shrugging.

"You want kids?" I asked her.

She shrugged.

"Maybe when I get good and secured ." She said nodding.

"So you like do hair?" I asked her.

She laughed a little bit.

"I kinda have my own shop." I said looking at him.

"Good my little sister got this little prom thing coming up and she's looking for somebody to do her hair." I said reading Sadè message.

"Okay just send her my number and text her name because my clients are good at not texting their names." She said looking in her phone.

I stood up. I needed to go handle some family business.

"Ight man. I'm gonna give her your number and y'all go from there but I'm about to go handle some shit so I'll fuck with you later." I said grabbing my keys.

She nodded and stood up.

"I'll walk you out." She said.

She walked out the door and I followed her.

I jogged down the stairs.

"I'll probably come back later. So we can finish what was started in Destin." I said looking at her.

"Boy bye. You kno-" She started but got cut off.

"D'Shawn you leaving already?" Her mom asked from the top of the stairs.

"Uh yes ma'am. I have to go see my grandma. I told Lauren that I might be back later if she's up." I said looking at Lew.

She laughed and nodded.

"Alright then I'll see you later then." Her mom said going back to her room.

I winked at her before I left. She closed the door behind me.


Once I pulled up to my momma house.

I saw a unfamiliar car parked in the driveway.

The CARTEL (Unedited) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now