Little things.

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Sometimes little things end up becoming big things. Like that stupid smile. 'Why the hell did I smile?' I thought as I made my way towards her. Though I won't lie, her face looked more beautiful when she smiled. I almost found myself wishing to see her smile again.

'Hey', Her voice was soft but clear, full of sweetness.

I didn't want to reply, and I didn't. Yes, I'm like that. So what?

Unfortunately, she was not. She shrugged, then if she didn't get the message she should have.., 'Good weather huh?'.

I stared at her, then nodded my head, grinning from the inside. 'Girl you're not getting the satisfaction' I thought, wanting to smirk at her expression. Okay, maybe I wasn't too good at that.

She rolled her eyes, maybe she caught me smirking. 'I see you're not the talkative type'.

'You are'.

She blinked as if surprised to hear me speak out.

I couldn't blame her. Once maybe I had a loud voice that held a pretty accent. Now, while it's still a good amount of loud, I've lost my accent.

I checked out her outfit one last time.

'You're strange as well, why a black shirt when you can glow in a brighter colour?'.

She shrugged again. 'I like black'. and then she smirked, looking annoyingly pretty. 'I like strange as well'.

Our bus came before I could reply and we have driven apart. Since there were no empty seats on the front, I went to sit in the end, but all the while I kept my eyes on her, I couldn't stop. She was just so beautiful and strange and I realized that I liked that. I was curious, and that was bad. When you are curious, you do stuff that you later regret, and I didn't want to do something and regret later.

She was sitting beside an old lady, two rows ahead of me, talking with her as if she was an old friend, which, I knew for a fact, that she was not. She spoke softly, but clearly, talking about 'grandchildren' and how she visited her grandmother very rarely because she lived in Paris. I listened to their conversation, pointless though it seemed, her voice was like music to my sore ears. I almost wanted to go sit next to her, ask her stuff, because I wanted to find out 'I don't know what', I just did. I was curious. In other words, being 'noisy'.

God, I hate that word. And I hate noisy people. It wasn't a pretty feeling to know that I wanted to be noisy. It wasn't a good feeling at all. I hated it.

And then just like that, the bus stopped. In such a short time. I blinked, stepping out of the trance I had fallen into, but before I could even make out what was happening, she was out of the bus, staring at me through the window, smiling.

'Ellie', She said. 'My name is Ellie'.

And then she was gone.

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