The lost girl

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She stops crying soon. Though her eyes remain watery, and somehow, dim. I make her sit on the sofa because I feel like my feet might give away any moment, and she's still trembling.

'You were abused Mum?', I ask her, feeling numb. My own Mother.

How could I not know this? How can it be true? Her, of all people? How?

'It won't help Sarah', she says quietly. 'They're gone and it has happened. We can't change that'.

I look at her, and some of my old humor comes back, some old feelings that I had long forgotten. I stand up and open the cupboard again. 'We could always break these now that she isn't here'.

I expect her to say 'no'. I almost expect her to flinch again. Sure, she makes a face, as if she can't help it, but then, she stands up and walks towards me, biting her lips.

'You're right Sarah', she says, with a hint of a smile. 'Why not take out my anger and hurt now that I've got the chance'. With that, she grabs a cup and throws it at the wall.

It breaks with a satisfying shattering sound. I half laugh as I pick a dozen of plates and copy her. Soon, we're both taking out a once 'valuable' cutlery and breaking into a thousand pieces. 

'This is for hitting Mum', I scream at the top of my voice, and throw two cups at the wall and they break before my eyes.

I pick up a large jug. 'This is for starving her', and I throw.

More plates crash against the wall, breaking into little pieces. 'This is for hurting her'. I scream louder. Another shatter, more broken cutlery fall on the carpet. 'This is for not loving her'. I throw whatever comes comes into my reach. It breaks. 'This is for every.,'. I throw again. 'Tear'. More shattering. 'That'. More crashes. 'You'. More blood. 'Caused'. I throw the last remaining glass at the wall and it breaks.

'Sarah', she says quietly, staring at my hands. I look down and something red meets my eye. My hands is covered in red blood, and cuts. I stare at it, surprised.

Funny, I didn't felt any pain.

I look up and we lock eyes. I half expect her to start making fuss. To scold me. To cry. I don't know. Instead she calmly takes me to a bathroom and treats my hand, not saying a single word.

I half laugh. 'Well. That didn't went well'.

She head snaps up. I expect anything but not a laugh in return. Her eyes burn with an unknown fire as she opens her mouth and laugh. 'You're kidding? I wish she was here, I would have loved to see her face when you did that. It was awesome!'.

'Seriously?', I can't help but laugh again. 'You're not mad at me?'.

She leans over and gives me a sudden kiss. 'It was like standing up for me. Why would I be mad? I'm proud of you'. Her eyes falls upon my hands again and she sighs. 'I hope you didn't had to bleed an ocean though'.

I roll my eyes, relaxing finally. 'Don't worry, It's not that bad'.

'And anyway', I add slyly. 'It was quite fun. Felt good to take it out'.

I stop grinning as an idea hits me. 'Come on Mum. I know how we can take your revenge'.

She laughs again. 'You're going to make me break more stuff?'.

'Why not?', I shrug. 'You don't want it anyway'.

I don't believe we're doing this. My hand is bandaged and she still lets me break whatever can be broken. We both take bats and attack the giant piano, screaming at the top of our lungs.

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