Love Is Where Home Is

12 4 5

1 month later.

'Sarah David.' A shrill voice calls my name, causing me to jump and blush slightly. I had been daydreaming about my plans for this weekend, and for sure  had been wearing a dreamy expression on my face.

The voice clearly came from the speaker, for there is no one in the long corridor that opens to this hallway. Standing up, and strengthening my blouse, I pick up the thick file that holds my dear life, and knock on the door that's firmly shut.

The same shrill voice calls again, 'Open the door and come on.'

I want to frown because it's plainly stupid. I wish people at this place had more manners. Everyone is so rude. Everyone frowns at you, and when you frown back, they frown even harder. I feel like I'm stuck inside a stupid fairy tale where I'm my manners are being carefully studied.

Heaving a deep sigh, that echoes wildly around the hallway, I push open the door and step inside.

My eyes fall upon the women who's sitting behind a much too large desk. She has her hear tied up in a tight bun, not a single strand out of it, and she is wearing a deep shade of pink lipstick, that doesn't match her dress, which is all black.

Keeping a strait face, I walk to the chair and sit down. She doesn't even looks up, least offer a smile. Sensing that she's busy, I risk looking around.

The room is large, it's wall painted a much too simple shade of white. The only furniture, apart from the desk and some chairs, is a long cupboard, heavily pilled with files and, to my delight, some books.

The carpet where the desk in placed on, is a simple red carpet, plain, it's fur looks soft however. The curtains are red too, a violent shade of red that hurts my eyes when I look at it. Trying hard not to frown, which is hard since frowning is what I've been doing since forever, I clear my throat, hoping to catch her attention.

It does the work, she looks up, frowns a little, then sigh, dumping the files she had been reading, and lean back on her chair.

'How may I help you?'

I clear my throat again, because it's suddenly dry. With sweaty hands, I place my file on her desk, a hard job, since the desk is mostly covered, and push it a little at her side, causing a book to fall down.

God knows why I don't blush, for I feel the embarrassment alright. She sighs heavily, crouches down to pick up the book, and sets it on an already high pile.

'I need to clean up.' She mutters quietly, talking more to herself than me. 'But how can I? A client every five minutes. I'm going to go crazy.'

'Miss, er..,' It takes more courage to continue when you have started.

'Aurea' She says. 'Never mind my last name.'

I try hard not speak my thoughts in my stare. 'Okay thanks. Miss Aurea..' I start again. 'I came, hoping you would give my book a try.'

Of course that's what I would want. This is a publishing agency, what else would I come here for?

However, I keep my thoughts to myself. Suddenly, a sparrow lands on the window , chirping happily. I smile at the sudden interruption. She, on the other hand, looking very irritated, waves her hand at the sparrow's direction, saying, 'Off you go', as if she's a fairy godmother who can understand birds.

The sparrow, looking alarmed, but more offended, does flies off. I resist the temptation to roll my eyes. At one, the thought burst inside my already cramped mind.

If Ellie was here, she wouldn't pretend to be polite. Either would she yawn very loudly, trying in her own way, to show how lame everyone here is. Or else she would roll her eyes, before asking the whether everyone here overreacts as much as Aurea.

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