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Time flied. Mum didn't came up. I laid in bed, my mind working. I thought about all those times when I had thought myself lucky to be friends with Meg. Yes, she was never the sweet sweet friend who would give hugs and kisses. But, she had been a friend

'Coward', I thought.

Fresh memories burst into my mind, making me feel sick. I groaned and turned over, trying to let go. But the ache didn't go away. It grew inside me as I remembered each memory. Each memory that we made together.

'Ringg. The school bell rings and I heave a sigh of relief. Making sure I put all my books in my bags, I stand up and push my way through the crowd, and to the door. Giggling girls push me from the back, making me stumble, clearly enjoying the drama.

I groan as a girl accidentally pokes her elbow in my ribs. She turn around, an apologetic smile on her face.

'Sorry'. Her voice is unnecessarily loud.

I shrug, bumping into another girl as we finally step out. I take a deep breathe, then take it out, Relived.

Turning towards her, I give her a little smile. 'It's okay'.

She grins, then holds out her hand. 'I'm Meg. And you are?'.

I ignore the irritation inside me as I mumble, 'Sarah'.

She shakes my hand as if we are kids making friends at the first time. a dimple appears on her  left cheek as she smiles again, 'Pretty name'.

Shrugging, I firmly loosen my hands from hers, stepping away. 'I have to go', then to be a bit more polite, I add, 'Maybe see you later?'.

She grins, 'You bet'.

I watch her walk away. She doesn't looks back. Not until she reaches the gate. I'm just about to to turn back when she suddenly turns and wave. And even though I feel a bit silly, I wave back.'

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. But the dull ache inside me made it hard. Taking a couple of deep breathes, I stopped struggling against the memories, the hate that has been growing inside me. Maybe I knew then why she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. But then, I always knew.

'Someone slumps into the chair next to mine, and as I turn around to see who it is, an uneasiness gets hold of me as I realize it's Meg.

'Hello', she says, taking a bite of her burger.

I ignore her and take the last bite of my mine. It's chicken burger with cheese stuffed inside. Very good.

She squints at me, 'What's wrong?'.

I roll my eyes and give her a sarcastic smile. 'I would ask you the same thing'.

She frowns, reaching out for my hand. I wrench it away, feeling annoyed, 'Don't do that'.

She shakes her head, 'I really don't understand'.

I roll my eyes again, 'Stop acting dumb. I saw you with your little friends, laughing at something that involved me. Please do me a favor and leave me alone. I don't want to be friends with fake people'.

She opens her eyes wide, ' I was Not. We were not talking about you. Why would we?'.

'I would ask you the same thing'.

She grabs my hand and holds it tight. Typical.

I try to wench it away, but she holds on. Forcing me to turn towards her, she leans forward, frowning. 'You aren't going to give me a chance to explain, will you?'.

I have to resist the temptation to roll my eyes again.

She opens her big mouth but I cut her off, 'No, listen to me. You were talking behind my back with some people I don't even know. Lets me more honest. You weren't exactly talking. You were taunting. You were bad mouthing. I don't know whether that's bad enough for you but sorry, I don't like friends who are two faced. And no offense, You are one'.

She shakes her head, 'You don't know me. You can't just call me that. That 'is' offensive'.

I push back my tray and get up, 'Sorry to offend you then'.

She doesn't say anything. Turning away from her, disgusted , I walk away'.

I forced myself to get up, ignoring the sick feelings inside me. My mind felt heavier than it had been in a long time.

Blaming Meg for everything, I dragged my feet towards the bathroom and closed the door. Heaving a sigh, I leaned against the door, and closed my eyes again, as another fresh memory burst into my mind.

'Meg pushes a small package into my hand. Without waiting for my reaction, she turns around and walks away.

I frown at her back, feeling the package.

I unwrap the sheet and a dairy falls out. I gasp as I realize that it's mine. My name is scrubbed off, and it's pages are battered and the front cover worn out. It wasn't like this before. I blink several times, not moving an inch. 'She can't be this mean. She can't go this far.' I think, but deep inside I know the truth. I  take a couple of deep breathes to calm myself down. My heart is beating so fast, I'm scared it'll burst.

My hand trembles as I turn pages after pages. Someone have scribbled over every single word. No, not someone. Meg. Her.

I shake my head, thinking 'this can't be true', yet it is.

That brat has read every single word and now she knows every little fear of mine and the private stuff. I groan as I shut the book with a snap. I take deep breathes, trying to calm myself down. But the blood inside me keeps boiling.

I clench my fists. Okay, you asked for this.

I first search our classroom, but she isn't there. Than I lose it. I drag my feet into every single classroom, bump into probably a  million kids, making them stumble or fall. But for the first time in my life, I don't apologize. I don't care.

An hour passes by. I can't find her. She's not here in school. Finally I lock myself in the bathroom, slump onto the floor and cry.'

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I angrily wiped them away with the back of my hand. She knows too much. Too much.

I leaned over the basin and splashed cold water on my face. I did it over and over again, trying to wipe away the memories of her.

I hate you. I'll never forgive you. Just see.

I wasn't not sad. But angry. I was mad at her, but I was also scared. Because I knew she would 'anciently' slip one thing after other. Even though I didn't wanted to see the sight of her again, I had to make sure that her mouth stayed shut. How?

I needed to find out how. Soon.

All The Memories That We Made [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now