Chapter 1 ~ Run Boy Run

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🌿Warning: This story will mention things that may be triggering to some people.🌿


It could've been any other ordinary day. And to the remaining students, it was. Himiko continued to struggle in accepting her friend's deaths, quietly crying in her dorm. Shuichi was spending time with Maki, learning about her past as to find a way to give her hope for the future. Miu was busy pestering Kiibo in her lab, trying to convince him into her adding a dick. And on the other side of the lab door was Kokichi, opening the door a crack to peak inside. There was no way he would miss the moment Kiibo got a dick. To the small male's disappointment, Kiibo refused, changing the subject as he distanced himself from the inventor.

Kokichi quickly lost interest, turning to return to his mission. Ever since Gonta announced finding some strange letters on a block outside, he decided to add a couple letters of his own, keeping everyone from finding the truth. There was no good reason behind it, all just in for the name of fun. How else was he going to keep himself together if it wasn't through confusing the others. That was one of his top goals in this killing game, stopping the mastermind being in the lead. A part of him did worry one of the student's would become fed up and kill him, but so little would be accomplished by that for such the price to pay. With the detective, Shuichi, on the case, no murderer could hide. Well, not any normal murderer atleast. But Kokichi had a plan. One that would surely trip Shuichi up.

Unfortunately, his plan was going to have to wait, Gonta having already arrived at the spot, looking for a new part to the message. Of course, he wouldn't be finding one, puting Kokichi behind on his plans. This didn't sit well for him, pushing him into a fit of anger. To him, it was all Kiibo and that cum dumpster's fault for distracting him, making him tempted to cause some trouble. It wasn't like he had anything else better to do, settling him on that decision. Turning away from Gonta, Kokichi headed back to Miu's lab, eager to grab some metal parts and attempt to add a robotic dick himself. Kiibo's reaction would hopefully make up for this set back.

However, nothing was going how the supreme leader had planned, hearing Miu shout some cuss words as she fled from the lab. Kiibo and Kaito came out soon after, glaring at the running Miu. Well, more Kaito than Kiibo, who's face was bright red and partly hidden within the metal plates around his neck.

"I-I told you, I was fine," Kiibo mumbled through the metal. "Miu was just doing maintenance."

"What she was doing wasn't normal, Kiibo," Kaito said, crossing his arms. "Even for you."

The metal plates around Kiibo's face disappeared, his expression turning angry. "Is that a robophobic remark?" His voice got loud, shocking Kaito with the sudden change.

"That's not what I meant!" Kaito's voice was in a mix of anger and shock, clearly confused.

Kokichi smirked, still watching from the side. At first, Kaito's interference had infuriated him even more than before, Kaito having drove off the cum dumpster. But things seemed to be looking up as Kokichi saw a window of opportunity to annoy his favorite enemy. Knowing Kiibo's typical reactions to the smallest remark of him being a robot, it wouldn't be hard to make the situation get out of hand. Just as Kiibo was about to reply, Kokichi quickly stepped between them, giving an innocent smile.

"Of course it was," he said, giving his signature laugh. "Kaito most likely sees robots as the hunk of metal they are. In fact, you're probably nothing but future spaceship parts to him."

The two were speechless, confused as to where the small male had come from. But that soon passed as his words registered with Kaito, sending him into rage.

"What did you say you fucking asshole," Kaito shouted, pounding his fist together in anger.

Kokichi hadn't expected this level of anger so soon, but laughed anyways. "You heard me! I just exposed your secret to Kiiboy!"

Kiibo clearly wasn't buying it, rolling his eyes. He mumbled something about sueing before storming off, leaving the two to continue their argument. Kokichi felt somewhat disappointed, but continued nonetheless.

"Now look what you did!" He pouted, fake tears starting to pour out. "You scared off my best friend!" Loud whines could be heard from afar by the short male, using most of his energy to make the noise.

"Oh shut up." The noise always failed to effect Kaito, wanting to just shove a sock down Kokichi's throat. "You don't even like Kiibo."

Kokichi gasped, looking offended as he crossed his arms. "Lies! Kiibo is my only and best friend."

"Yeah sure."

Kaito turned away, knowing what might happen if he didn't stop now. Kokichi, on the other hand, was far from done, getting agitated with Katio's act of trying to take the high road. He could see just how angry Kaito actually was, knowing it wouldn't take much more till there would be smoke coming from his ears. Surely that would satisfy the anger Kokichi felt towards this messed up day.

Stepping in front of Kaito, he grinned from ear to ear. Considering it wouldn't take much to put Kaito over the edge, he wasn't going to go with anything too big, using that as a defense when the others asked what he did to Kaito. Though it was most likely they wouldn't care about his excuse, it didn't hurt to have one.

"So, have you hired little miss assassin to kill me yet," Kokichi asked, keeping his grin as to look a little too eager to die.

"Of course not," Kaito yelled.

Kokichi knew he had him now, walking circles around him as he continued. "Why not? I know how much you hate me. And you'd get away with murder!"

Kaito sighed, putting a wedge in Kokichi's expectations. "I don't hate you that much. I just wish you weren't such a pain."

That wasn't the answer Kokichi was looking for, annoying him. He wasn't particularly interested in what Kaito thought of him, just wanting the reaction he'd been so close to achieving. "Wow Kaito. How mean, you bully." The fake tears started up again, earning a grunt form Kaito.

"I'm just saying that maybe if you were-"

"Why do you continue to bully me! I'll make sure to tell your girlfriend all about it. Well, if she doesn't kill me in cold blood first. I'm sure she's so use to it that it's like second nature to her."

It had been becoming obvious his previous tactic wasn't going to do the job. So if he wanted to avoid some boring lecture, he'd have to go with plan B. The red covering Kaito's face, along with an angry expression, showed it had worked, exciting Kokichi.

No more words were exchanged as Kaito charged at him, both breaking into a run. Kokichi laughed at his success, already starting to feel better. Kaito practically had fire coming off of him as he ran, refusing to listen to Kokichi insulting his friends. He knew what Kokichi was trying to do, but couldn't stop himself from standing up for his friend. Kokichi laughed at him, loving the chase. He figured a couple circles around the school would do before Kaito lost interest. By then, Kokichi would've been please, allowing Kaito to go his separate way.

But as they did their third lap around the school, Kaito starting to catch up, Kokichi started to get nervous. What would happen if Kaito did catch him? And why was he even still chasing? Honestly, Kaito didn't quite know. It was like no matter how much he ran, he didn't get tired, fueled by his hatred. Kokichi could tell something wasn't right, making a turn into the school. He hoped someone would notice and stop them. But the halls were strangely empty. It was a big school with few remaining students. The chances of finding one wasn't likely.

Unaware he was heading to a dead end, his mind busy traveling through tons of thoughts, he felt his heart stop as he entered the dinning hall. There was a exit located towards the back, but it had been jammed shut since the moment they woke up in this school. He could hear Kaito behind him, about to be close enough to grab. Fear took over him. He wasn't sure why though. It was just Kaito. But without thinking, Kokichi headed towards a window, breaking the glass as he jumped through.

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