Chapter 7 ~ Glowing Eyes of Hatred

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The scream rang all through out the dinning hall, piercing Kokichi's ears as he attempted to block out the noise with his hands. It hadn't lasted more than two seconds, but seemed to go on forever in Kokichi's mind. He tried to remain seated, too frightened to move. But as another second passed, his body seemed to move on its own, barging into the kitchen to see a trembling Kaito on the floor. He followed Kaito's gaze to find a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at him. Before he got a chance to comprehend what he was staring at, a memory flashed through his mind, threatening to take over. He attempted to shake it away, shutting his eyes and taking a step back. But it was no use as he was forcibly dragged into it.

Kokichi struggled as he was dragged off, beginning to scream for help as he realized he was being pulled away from public view. Not to his surprise, everyone carried on with getting to class, not even glancing in his direction. His body soon went limp as he gave up, letting himself be dragged behind the school. The worse popping into his mind, making him fear for his life. There was no telling how bad the bullying was in this school. For all he knew, he could be beaten near death.

By the time they reached the back of the school, Kokihi had been shaking like crazy, debating on struggling once again. However, before he could finish that thought, the stranger stopped in their tracks and spun Kokichi around. They immediately made eye contact, both analyzing the other. The stranger's bright blue eyes seemed to be glowing and beaming with anger. He gripped Kokichi's arms to keep him in place, not realizing his nails were digging into the other. It was as if he'd become completely entranced with staring at the small, trembling male. And what made this all the more creepier was not once did the stranger blink.

As a minute passed, Kokichi attempted to calm down, not wanting to take a chance of fainting anywhere near this person, hoping to convince himself this guy wasn't that scary. Despite the glare the male was shooting at him, he looked like any other normal teen, much to Kokichi's relief. But it didn't last long before the male covered Kokichi's mouth and nose with a cloth. As Kokichi started to fall unconscious, the stranger dragged him away. 

Kokichi screamed as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. A hand quickly covered his mouth as the person tried to speak. But Kokichi didn't listen, kicking the person as hard as he could. Pain shot through his legs as his knee came in contact with metal, causing another scream. Two voices were speaking now, helping Kokichi realize he was back in reality. The two held him still until he calmed.

"Calm the fuck down," Kaito mumbled, sighing in annoyance.

"I never thought I was that scary," a male said, regret and surprise in his voice.

"I'm... not sure it was entirely you." Kaito cautiously released Kokichi, watching him carefully to make sure he didn't freak out again. "Let him go, Kiibo."

Kiibo did as he was told and let go, backing away to give Kokichi some distance. The two stared at Kokichi, waiting for him to make a move. Instead, all Kokichi did was stand there, staring at the ground. He mentally scolded at himself for once again showing how weak he truly was. There was no telling what the two thought of him now, making him panic inside. His plan may be ruined for a second time in not even a week. The thought infuriated and scared him, making him just walk out of the kitchen.

"Hey, wait," Kaito yelled, following close behind. "Look, I'm sorry if I scared you that badly. It wasn't my goal. Kiibo just looked like a ghost in the dark. I swear!"

"I don't care," Kokichi mumbled honestly, continuing to walk.

Kaito crossed his arms and huffed. "What is with you lately, anyways? You're acting way different than usual and I can only assume that means bad news."

This time Kokichi didn't respond, not truly listening to what Kaito was saying. He just rolled his eyes, trying to make it back to his room. By now he had lost his appetite and his legs were killing him. Though he tried his best to hide the pain, he couldn't help wincing at least once. Kaito noticed this and grumbled something, grabbing Kokichi by the back of his scarf. Kokichi yelped as he was pulled back by it, his panic immediately coming back to consume him.

"I got it now! You want pity, don't you? That's it, right? I bet you're not actually in all that much pain and just want everyone to feel bad for you." There was venom in Kaito's voice as he moved his hand to grab the front of Kokichi's scarf.

"Kaito," Kiibo shouted, running up to them. "Stop this!"

Kaito glared at Kiibo before letting Kokichi, who was now shaking, go into Kiibo's arms. Though Kiibo wasn't quite sure how to help, he tried his best to comfort Kokichi, slowly leading him towards his room.


🌿Sorry this was shorter than usual. And late. Writers block. I mean, I did start this chapter two weeks ago (I had been writing ahead of time before writers block hit) but then I realized I forgot that scream happened, meaning everything I wrote couldn't have happened. So I had to rewrite everything. How fun.🌿

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