Chapter 16 ~ Flashback Light

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Kokichi took a deep breath, looking around at his surroundings in confusion. From what he could tell, he was in a surprisingly comfy and expensive looking room. But that wasn't what caught his ye. What did was the person standing in front of him. Kaito had his eyes narrowed at Kokichi, pointing a flashlight in his direction. Kokichi let out an ear piercing scream.

"I'm sorry," Kokichi yelled, moving back as best as he could. He winced in pain, tears forming in his eyes. "Please don't h-hurt me!"

"Quiet down," Kaito said, sighing in annoyance. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Kokichi looked down, thinking hard about it. "I-I was walking home form school w-when... Shuichi suddenly grabbed me... and... a-and..."

"That's all, right?"

Slowly, Kokichi nodded. "I-I'm sorry!"

"Shut it. You're not suppose to remember."


Their conversation came to an end when the bedroom door opened, a girl with dark blue hair walking in. She offered Kokichi a soft smile as he gasped.


Kokichi woke up to find himself clinging to something. No, someone. His eyes snapped open to see a familiaar white shirt.

"Hey, you awake now," Kaito asked, giving a worried expression.

A scream was caught in Kokichi's throat as he tried to scoot away. An arm wrapped around him, stopping him. His breathing picked up the longer he stared at Kaito.

"What's wrong? Hey! Calm down." Kaito pulled Kokichi closer. "Look. You're back in reality. No one is here to hurt you."

Kokichi looked away from Kaito to the room they were in. He was right. They were back in the killing game. He took deep breaths, burying his face into Kaito's chest. They remained silent like that for what felt like several minutes. Slowly, Kokichi looked up at Kaito, seeing a blush covering his cheeks. Realization came to him as he tried pulling away again, this time succeeding.

"I-I'm sorry," Kokichi stuttered out, inching towards the end of the bed.

"It's fine," Kaito said, staying where he was, a shocked expression on his face.

Neither knew what to say about what had happened. Nor how to explain it. Kaito coughed a bit, standing up off the bed and running to the bathroom, leaving Kokichi alone with his thoughts. He felt his face heat up a bit, recalling how close they were. It didn't seem right. How did they even get like that? He thought back to his memory, trying to recall everything he could without starting another.

Questions filled his head as he recalled Kaito saving him. Part of him didn't want them answered. But that wasn't for him to decide. Instead of focusing on Kaito, he decided to focus on the others. It terrified him to remember what Shuichi was capable of. He felt sick just thinking about it. However, that wasn't what he was trying to remember. Images flashed in his mind of the show Shuichi and him would watch everyday. The pools of blood, familiar back and white bear, the trials-

A sound from the bathroom dragged him out of his thoughts. He quickly ran up to the bathroom door, freezing at the sound of Kaito throwing up. He quickly knocked on the door.

"A-Are you okay," he asked fearfully.

All that followed was endless coughs, freaking Kokichi out even more. He jumped at the sound of the bedroom door opening, letting out a sigh of relief when seeing it was just Kiibo.

"S-Something is wrong with Kaito!"

Kiibo gave a shocked expression at Kokichi's concern. But neither had a chance to dwell on it before Kaito came out the bathroom. He seemed paler than usual, a forced smile on his face.

"I'm alright," Kaito said. "A little sickness won't stop me! Probably just need food. Kiibo, could you watch Kokichi while I get us food?"

"W-Watch me?"

"Yeah. Incase the mastermind comes for you. I doubt they'll attack with a whiteness around."

"I won't let anyone near him," Kiibo comfirmed.

"Great! I'll be quick."

Kaito rushed out of the room, leaving Kokichi to worry with no answers. Something was definitely wrong. Kiibo tried to calm his worries and change the subject. They say on the bed as Kokichi attempted to explain his new memories.

"D-Did you know Tsumugi use to be famous," he exclaimed, like a child excited about Christmas.

Kiibo chickled a bit before speaking. "Well, she is the ultimate cosplayer. You know, the old you seems really different than the you I know."

Kokichi tilted his head. "What do y-you mean?"

"Well, for one, you're stuttering a lot."

"I a-am?" Kokichi heard it that time, eyes widening.

"Second, you haven't insulted me once this entire time. Or asked inappropriate questions."

"W-Why would I-" He paused, realizing Kiibo was right. This wasn't like him at all. Or, at least not the fake him.

His head began pounding as multiple memories poped through at once, each one feeling like a stab in the head. Past memories and fake memories clashed together, making Kokichi cry out in pain. Shouting could be heard but not understood.

Suddenly, it all disappeared, barely leaving a trace. Kokichi blinked a couple times, finding Kiibo in front of him with his hands on his shoulders. Before Kiibo could say anything, Kokichi spoke.

"J-Junko Enoshima! She has to be the mastermind. She's always the-"

Before Kokichi could react, Kiibo wrapped his hands around Kokichi's neck and pushed him down. Kokichi's eyes widen as he looked into Kiibo's bright, glowing ones. Slowly, everything went black.


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