Chapter 18 ~ Poor Unfortunate Soul

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"M-My name is Kokichi Ouma. I've never been the strong o-or scary type. And a-as you can see, I've suffered for it. Which is why I want to join Danganronpa. I've always loved the antagonist and this is my chance to be one. No... Not just an antagonist... I-I want to be the best antagonist. Better t-than Nagito. And I'll cause despair just like Junko. I want to be the ultimate supreme leader. Someone with so much power and is feared despite my size. A-And if I do commit a murder, it'll be so despair inducing t-that even I might cry. Keep my innocent looking appearance, but change everything about my real personality. I-I want it discarded and never seen again."

Kokichi's mouth hung open as the screen turned to black. He had refused to believe he actually signed up for something like this. And yet, here was the proof. His own audition video. He was at a lost for words, tears threatening to spill form his eyes. A small part of him had hoped somehow, someway, everything he was remembering wasn't real. But there was no way to deny it.

"Believe me now," Tsumugi asked.

"I want to h-hate you," he mumbled, looking down.

"But you don't." She pat Kokichi's head. "Besides, I'm trying to offer you a new deal!"

He rolled his eyes. "New deal? You technically didn't keep up your f-first one."

Kokichi was filled with anger and fear, struggling best he could against his restraints. They didn't budge. Tsumugi simply sighed as she walked over to her desk and picked up a stack of papers. Kokichi glared in her direction, trying not to see the least bit curious about it. She walked back over to him and pulled a certain piece of paper out of the stack and in front of Kokichi's face.

In her hand was a contract Kokichi signed. It stated exactly what they agreed to. Kokichi's eyes widen as he rereads it over and over, hoping he was reading it wrong. But he wasn't. And right at the bottom of the page was his signature.

"Maybe I did change your character a bit," she said, pulling the paper away. "But overall this is what you wanted. I never said your character would be 100% right."

"That's not-"

"You have to follow up with your end of the deal. Whether willingly or not, this is going to happen. So just do what I say and make this easier for the both of us, alright? Besides, I have a feeling you'll like it."


Kaito ran all over the school grounds, panic over taking any pain he felt. After grabbing some food and explaining some things to the others, he went back to his room only to find it empty. It seemed as if Kiibo and Kokichi disappeared right out of the school. This could only mean one thing. And it terrified him.

Checking the basement for the third time, he sighed in relief at seeing both males alive and uninjured. Though, to his surprise, Kiibo was carrying Kokichi. The bookshelf in the library shut itself back into place.

"What happened," Kaito asked, running up to them.

"I don't know," Kiibo said. "All I remember is blacking out in your room. And when I powered on, we were in the mastermind's lair. Kokichi was tied to a chair. He hasn't stopped crying since."

Now up close, Kaito could see tears streaming down Kokichi's cheeks. Kokichi wouldn't dare look at either of them, burying his face in his scarf. Kiibo and Kaito shared a worried look before heading out of the library. The three attracted a lot of attention, the remaining students gathering around them and asking questions. No one knew how to respond, rushing away as fast as they could.

Once back in Kaito's room, Kiibo sat Kokichi on the bed, looking over at Kaito for help. But Kaito was as clueless as Kiibo. While Kokichi buried himself in the blanket, the two discussed what to do. After almost an hour of discussing and trying to get Kokichi to calm down, Kaito suggested giving Kokichi time to cry it all out. Kiibo agreed and left for the night, leaving the two alone.


🌿Had extra time today.🌿

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