Chapter 19 ~ Clingy

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Kokichi curled himself up in a ball, pulling the blankets up until they covered him fully. His cries had been exchanged for sniffles, allowing Kaito to sigh in relief. Kaito had been waiting patiently for him to calm down, struggling to hold himself back from rushing things. The last thing Kokichi needed right now was to be bothered with questions. But every second that passed was a second the mastermind was planning. Maybe even looking for them. Kaito figured she'd be looking for the two people she kidnapped.

Speaking of, Kaito began going through the list of females left. He had a notebook opened on the desk, different alibis and motives next to each girls' name. None seemed to add up with the current information known, annoying Kaito greatly. After a while of staring at it, he ripped it out and crumpled it up. That's when he heard movement from the bed. For a second, he forgot Kokichi was there. He turned to see the smaller male now sitting and staring down. There were seconds of silence before someone decided to break it.

"Kokichi," Kaito asked, taking careful movements towards him. When the other didn't move, he continued. "Are you okay?"

"K-Kaito," Kokichi mumbled, finally looking up. There were still tears spilling from his red, puffy eyes. He lifted his arms up, motioning Kaito to come closer.

Kaito hesitated for a second, unsure what Kokichi was going to do. Though this was no longer the Koichi he knew, it still seemed rather sudden. However, he continued moving closer, eventually sitting next to Kokichi.

"Do you remember anything," he asked, growing slightly impatient.

Kokichi was silent for a second, more tears falling onto the bed as he looked back down. "Y-Yeah..." Suddenly, he clung to Kaito, burrying his face in Kaito's chest.

Kaito froze, giving a questioning look before slowly wrapping his arms around the crying male. "Kokichi-"

"I remember e-everything." Kokichi's voice was slightly muffled as he clung tighter.

"Everything?" Kaito gave a confused look before it hit him. "Wait! You mean-"

"Y-You're much nicer than he was. I always wanted to do this but..." His voice trailed off as his grip loosened, the tears starting to stop. When Kaito didn't reply, he continued. "I could get use to this.

"Kokichi, you're acting weird." Kaito slightly raised his voice, trying to push Kokichi away.

Kokichi flinched but only grabbed Kaito's shirt in response. "I-I'm sorry... Please don't h-hate me... I need y-you."

"Need me?"

"Yeah... I-I finally understand now."

"Understand? What are you going on about?" Kaito managed to push him away, standing up for distance.

Kokichi began to slightly shake. "I-I understand that I c-can't live without you! Doesn't.... that make you happy?"

Kaito stared in disbelief, scoffing at the thought. "Why would that make me happy? Kokichi, snap out of it!"

"I-I'm sorry! You... You really aren't him..."

"That's right. Now, can you explain to me what you're talking about?"

"No... I-It doesn't matter anymore."


"S-Sorry!" Kokichi brought the blanket up, shaking more visibly now.

Kaito sighed. "Stop apologizing. Can you just tell me what happened a couple hours ago? Did you see the mastermind?"

Kokichi slowly lowered the blanket, nodding his head. "S-She's the one who gave me back all my memories."

"What? Why? Can't she see how this is effecting you?" He once again raised his voice.

"K-Kaito..." Tears started to form again. "We don't have much time..."

"For what? Is she going to come for us?"

Kokichi shook his head. "N-No... Just... P-Please come back." He opened up his arms, hoping Kaito would come back.

"What's with you? Is your other personality fully gone?"

"N-Not exactly. I just... I-I just..." He put his arms down, sniffling.

Kaito stared silently for a couple seconds. "You're acting clingy. I thought you were terrified of me back then?"

"I-I was. But something happened a-and we grew... c-closer."


"Yeah. B-But it doesn't matter now." He looked down sadly.

Kokichi broke into tears again, struggling to stop them. Kaito waited a couple seconds before attempting to comfort him. However, before he got too close, he was pushed away.

"I'm s-sorry."

Kokichi reached under the blanket and pulled out a gun, pointing it at Kaito's head.


🌿I promise I'll explain where the gun came from. Just might not be the best explanation. Also I think I forgot these characters' personalities. •-•"🌿

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