Chapter 17 ~ A Deal

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Kokichi sat with Kaito on the couch, watching the new Season of Danganronpa. To his surprise, a classmate of theirs got in. Kokichi couldn't recall his name, only knowing him by his light green hair. Based off his personality, he will probably be the crazy antagonist; Kokichi's favorite kind of character. It brought a smile to his face on how normal this seemed. For once, he felt like he didn't have to live in fear. Well, for the most part.

Kaito stretched, causing Kokichi to flinch. Despite the two hanging out as if they were close friends, Kokichi still feared Kaito. The tall male still had a short temper and has almost hit him multiple times. But he seemed quite hesitant on actually hurting the smaller male. And Kokichi couldn't understand why after everything that had happened. Not that he was complaining. He much preferred Kaito like this.

Once the episode ended, Tsumugi walked into the room and grabbed Kokichi's arm, dragging him away. Kaito glared but made no move to stop her.


"Oh good, you're alive," a female voice said.

Kokichi struggled to open his eyes, feeling blinded by the light. Once he recovered his vision, he found himself face to face with Tsumugi, who was smiling brightly. He tried to remain calm and move away. However, that soon ended once he realized he was once again tied to a chair.

"Sorry about all of this. I had a different plan in mind. Unfortunately, Kaito had one of his own. Thought I was going to have to send an exisal for a second."

"W-What's going on," Kokichi asked, looking around.

The room he was in was dimly lit, a stair way to the left and a closed door to the right. A giant Monokuma head with wires coming out of it was behind Tsumugi.

"Oh? Guess we aren't quite on the same page. Seems I overestimated how much you've remembered. Easy fix." Tsumugi walked over to a table and grabbed a flashback light. "I bet you've been dying to remember everything. Or, perhaps you wish to forget it all. I can give you which ever one you want. Of course, I'll need something in return."

"T-Tsumugi," Kokichi stuttered, beginning to feel pain in his head.

"Appears you're already getting one! I guess I accidentally triggered it. Was it because of what I said? Do you remember us making a deal before?"

Kokichi shook his head, wanting the memory to stop. But it was useless.


Tsumugi had dragged Kokichi off to a room full of cameras and lights. He knew exactly what this was, jumping up and down with excitement. It was the audition room. Tsumugi smiled softly, grabbing a clip board off the desk.

"Here's everyone who was picked for the 53rd season so far," she said.

"53rd," Kokichi gasped. "B-But you just started the 52nd!"

"True. But these take quite a long time to produce. The sooner we have our characters, the better."

He nodded, grabbing the clip board from her hands and looking through it, There were several names he recognized. Kaito, Shuichi, Miu, Kiibo, and Kaede. All people who had some sort of impact in his life. There were a bunch of spots left, making Kokichi look up curiously.

"We haven't exactly picked all sixteen students yet."

"Y-You're not suggesting-"

"Think about it! You love the show, don't you? Why not be apart of it?"

"You're k-kidding. I'm too weak. I'd b-be the first to die!"

"Oh, but that's the best part. No one else knows this, but all of your memories will be replaced. You'll be an entirely new person! I'll even let you decide who that is. It's like creating an OC you get to live as!"

Kokichi thought hard about it, a grin creeping up on his face. Maybe there could finally be some justice to all of this. If he were to become the next antagonist, he could make everyone suffer like he did. Heck, maybe even kill someone. What marvelous execution would he be given? He could only imagine.

But something was off. He narrowed his eyes at Tsumugi, holding the clipboard out to her. Once she took it, he crossed his arms and took a step back.

"W-What's the catch," he asked, trying his best to hide his excitement and desperation.

"Simple," she replied, walking circles around him. "I only ask for your life. In other words, you won't live to see the end of it. But you'll get your revenge. You'll get to be whoever you want to be. You'll be apart of Danganronpa! Nothing but positives here."

"I die...? T-That's the catch?" Kokichi began to laugh, a dark expression on his face. "I already planned on it..."

"So we have a deal?"

His eyes widen, realizing she was truly serious. He quickly snatched the clipboard back and grabbed a nearby pencil. "I-I'll do it!" He wrote his name down in one of the empty slots, the pencil snapping in half form how hard he was clutching it.

Tsumugi's once innocent smile turned into a malicious smirk. "Good choice. I will give you time to think about your charac-"

"I-I already know what I want to be!"

She blinked a couple times, surprised. "You sure?"

He nodded, looking down. "I-I had a lot of time to think these past few days. Now start t-the camera."


🌿Tsumugi: Come on you poor unfortunate soul! Go ahead, make your choice! I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day. It won't cost much... just your life!

I like Disney villain songs way too much. But I swear I didn't plan this chapter with that song in mind. I didn't realize this till way after I wrote it. And I just had to put that at the end.🌿

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