The door bell rang through out the pitch black room, slowly waking Kokichi from his dreamless sleep. The lights weren't on, signifying that it was still night. Having basically everything but a clock in his room, Koichi couldn't tell what exact time it was. The last thing he remembered was writing down notes before passing out. As he sat up, he could feel a piece of paper stuck to his head, which felt hollow without the burden of pain. It didn't last, however, as the bell began to ring again. Groaning, he rubbed his head as he stood up and headed towards the door, eager to stop the pain in his head. He didn't note the pain in his legs.
Kaito stood outside the door, smiling upon seeing Kokichi awake. Kokichi only glared in response, rubbing his head once more. He didn't know why Kaito was here at such a time but didn't care, beginning to close the door. Kaito saw this coming, putting his hand onto the door to keep it open. Not feeling up to playing games, Kokichi growled.
"What do you want," he asked, glaring daggers.
Smile fading, Kaito replied, "You've been hiding in your room all day. That's not healthy."
Kokichi simply rolled his eyes in response. "I'm fine."
"No, you aren't." Kaito looked away, choosing his words carefully. "When was the last time you ate?"
"I'm not-" Kokichi's growling stomach interrupted him. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was till now.
"See! Come on, I'll help you to the dinning hall."
Despite being hungry, Kokichi wasn't going to comply that easily. Working up every little piece of energy he had left, he smirked, leaning against the door frame. "No way am I walking all the way there! Do you know how painful that would be? My feet already hurt enough."
Kaito knew what he was getting at, sighing. "I'll carry you."
Kokichi hadn't expected that, giving a shocked expression for a split second before switching to an innocently happy smile. "Yay!" He clapped his hands like a child.
"But only on the way there. You're walking back after."
Kokichi's smile fell, ready to refuse to go. He opened his mouth but was stopped once again by his stomach. Annoyed, he nodded. "Fine!"
Kaito smiled, bending down and scooping Kokichi up. Kokichi laid limp in his arms, feeling sleep try to consume him again. His eyes closed as Kaito walked out the building, heading towards the school. Some talk could be heard but he chose to ignore it, not caring why the other students might be outside at this time. As long as they didn't try to engage in contact, he was fine.
Time seemed to go fast. Before Kokichi knew it, he opened his eyes to see they were almost next to the dinning hall door. The darkness gave an earie feeling to the school, putting Kokichi a bit on edge. To anyone in this messed up school, it's obvious how easy this could be turned into a murder. Did anyone even notice them walking into the school? Possibly not. Everyone seemed busy from what he heard. But there was no reason to worry, right? Would Kaito even be capable of killing him? It wouldn't be to hard. Especially if he was caught off guard. Though, it didn't sound like something Kaito would do.
He suddenly felt a massive pounding in his head, causing him to suddenly scream in pain. Just his luck, he gained another memory. One that would haunt Kokichi in his nightmares.
It was an image of Kaito caught in the middle of killing someone. The knife shined off the light hanging above, partly covered in blood along with the rest of the room. Kaito didn't seem too alarmed at Kokichi's scream, having more of a look of disappointment. Kokichi couldn't fully tell what was happening in this memory, but could give a good guess.
"Kokichi," Kaito yelled, shaking the smaller male.
This snapped Kokicho out of the memory, back to the cold and dark reality. At first, he didn't recognize where he was, panicing a bit. If it weren't for Kiato holding him down by his shoulders, he would've booked it out of there. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized he was in the dinning hall, sitting in one of the seats around the table. Without thinking, he turned to look towards the window he jumped out of. A piece of paper with a kid like drawing of the outside world covered it. No glass shards in sight.
"You have a death wish or something?"
"Huh," Kokichi asked, turning to look back at Kaito, who seemed both concerned and angry.
"You're staring at the windows. What? Are you planning on jumping again?" His tone sounded like a joke but his expression said otherwise.
A smirk planted itself on Kokichi's face, his persona already going in effect. "Maybe! Why? Would you miss me if I die?" He put his hands behind his head, looking Kaito straight in the eyes.
Kaito groaned, not finding this amusing. "Stop it. Death isn't a joke."
"Who said it was? Not me!" To make the situation worse, he did his signature laugh.
"Kokichi!" Kaito growled a bit before looking away, sighing. He knew he needed to stay calm when dealing with Kokichi. "Whatever. I'm just going to get you some food so this conversation can end faster."
He began to storm off to the kitchen when Kokichi suddenly grabbed his arm, yanking him back. The two stared at each other, both confused by Kokichi's actions. He didn't know why he did it, looking away in anger at himself. For some reason, he was scared of Kaito leaving him. What Kaito might do when he is gone. He got the sense of something dangerous on the other side of the door. Surely, there couldn't be a dead body already, right? And even if there was, it's not like he would know. So why did something feel wrong.
Before Kokichi could explain himself, Kaito pulled his arm away, leaving to the kitchen. Kokichi waited, as if something was destined to happen. He sat still, trying to figure out what. That's when it happened, as if on cue. Kokichi realized he was waiting for that scream.

Hollow Lies (Danganronpa)
Fanfiction*V3 Spoilers* *Contains some triggering topics* *Tag says Oumota but it's not really* All his life Kokichi knew himself as this loud, annoying prankster. Why would he remember any different? Little did he know all this memories were lies. Without wa...