Kokichi paced around his room, chuckling to himself. Today was the day Miu would invite everyone to her "new world." It was also the day he was suppose to die. But Kiibo had made sure it wouldn't be happening, telling Kokichi every little detail of her plan. With that information, Kokichi devised his own plan, already setting part of it into motion. He had met with Monokuma the night before, convincing him to add something that would, as he put it, "Make the game more interesting." And just like that, he knew he had the upper hand. Someone was going to die today. But it wouldn't be him.
His laughing grew, excitement overflowing within him. For the first time since his accident, he felt in control. He thought of everything he went through in the past; All the torture his classmates put him through. This was his time to get revenge. Though he had yet to encounter Mi in his memories, he knew she must have done something to him. Something he might be fine not remembering. No matter what it was, she was going to pay with her life. It wasn't like the other students liked her anyways. Her vulgar language and slutty personality killed any relationship chances she had. Even Kiibo seemed to have turned on her, considering his betrayal with the plan. Kokichi would not only be doing himself a favor, but everyone else would be relieved as well. Not that they mattered to him.
The door bell to his room rang. And for the first time in forever, he wasn't scared to open it. Kiibo stood on the other side, twitching in fear. He gave Kokichi a pleading look, teary eyes starting to form. Kokichi knew what this was about, putting on an innocent child-like smile. He put a hand on Kiibo's shoulder, putting on a persona he rarely used.
"Listen, Kiibo," he said in a soft tone. "I'm not going to die. I've got to plan."
Kiibo didn't look too convinced. "A plan?"
"Yes. Just trust me, okay? I've got this."
"Now let's go. I'm guessing Miu sent you to get me?"
Hesitantly, Kiibo nodded, going to the side so Kokichi could leave his room. The two stayed quiet as they left to the fourth floor computer lab. Kokichi smiled the whole way there, not bothering to hide his excitement. Kiibo, on the other hand, looked down towards the ground, like a kid who just got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. He felt guilty and responsible for possibly leading Kokichi to his death. As much as he wanted to believe in Kokichi's plan, he knew how easy it would for Miu to kill Kokchi. He prayed to Atua that Kokichi would leave alive.
They soon reached the computer lab, being the last to show up. Miu immediately began explaining the world and how it would work. Unsurprisingly, no one seemed all too convinced. That's when Monokuma revealed the motive. It got everyone's attention. Kokichi just waited off to the side, losing his patience by the second. He wanted this done now. He needed this done now. But time didn't seem to be moving fast enough as the Monokubs entered the picture. By now, he was ready to grab Monotaro by the ear and chuck him out the room. The only thing keeping him from doing it was knowing what the consequences might be.
Zoning everything out, he looked around at the other students. His eyes stopped when he saw Kaito looking right at him. Fear began to creep his way to him as he stared into Kaito's angered filled eyes. He slowly inched closer to Kiibo, starting to wonder if Miu wasn't the only person he had to worry about. His plan didn't include any plan B due to time. What would happen if Kaito decided to attack him? Or anyone for that matter. He didn't know. Kiibo looked over, realizing Kokichi's nerves and put his hand on Kokichi's shoulder. The two exchanged a nervous look, unable to find the words to say anything.
They were suddenly interrupted by everyone beginning to put on the helmet. Kokichi quickly sat in a chair and entered the virtual world.
Kiibo didn't move, watching as everyone but Miu put on a helmet. She had a smirk on her face as she pulled out a bottle of poison and placed it on Kokichi's chair. Realizing Kiibo was still there, she pulled him over and handed him a helmet. When he still made no movement to put it on, she frowned.
"What's wrong," she asked in an annoyed tone. "You're not feeling bad for the little shit, right?"
"O-Of course not," Kiibo quickly said, shaking his head. "It's just... murder isn't-"
"Trust me! No one would miss him."
"B-But... What about the others? What about... me?"
Miu crossed her arms, sighing. "You know I wouldn't let you die. I told you already! I have a plan. But if I say it out loud, the mastermind might get in the way. You just have to trust me, alright?"
Hesitantly, he nodded, giving a small smile before putting the helmet on his head. Taking a deep breath, he turned the helmet on, greeted by everyone in the virtual world.
🌿Sorry about being absent for a couple months. Long story. But I'm back and ready to finish this story. I have a lot of fanfics in mind and want to get them done so I can move onto original stories. So hopefully updates for this will come faster. I'll no longer have an update schedule since that could just slow me down.
Another thing is the next chapter will have a big timeskip. I didn't feel like rewriting a whole trial that I didn't even like. So there will be a lot of skipping around to get to the next thing faster. Though it does take place during the trial.🌿

Hollow Lies (Danganronpa)
Fanfiction*V3 Spoilers* *Contains some triggering topics* *Tag says Oumota but it's not really* All his life Kokichi knew himself as this loud, annoying prankster. Why would he remember any different? Little did he know all this memories were lies. Without wa...