Part 1: (Edited)

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Your POV:

My name is Y/N L/N to you who's reading this now is not for the faint of heart, I was just a normal guy, like any other guy I had fantasies that I would have a girlfriend and we would stay with each other till the very end. But living in a basement with very little time with the outside world changes a man. I have a semblance what's that you ask?

Well it's a power we all have that allows us to do extraordinary things such as turning into rose pedals and being extremely fast, or being fast and able to summon monsters to your side. Or make a shadow that always takes the hit when your down, or even taking damage can make you insanely strong, and anger to fuel it.

What I'm describing to you now, is about four girls that I have come to love, but soon that love turns into something like obsessive love...can you even call that love?

A Few Years Back:

Nobody's POV:

A woman sat across from you as your being kidnapped once again by the White Fang led by Roman Torchwick and his boss Cinder fall. Now for the question why would a criminal want someone like you well, to begin your her ex-boyfriend, when you escaped your so called overprotective father Ozpin. Now he isn't bad but you wanted so badly to just roam freely, but that wasn't the case a few moments outside and girls swarmed you.

You hid from the students and teachers of Beacon for a long time, that's how you met Cinder she seemed, normal, acted normal, and stayed normal that is until she saw you talking to another girl and she freaked out. She realized what she'd done before it was too late...she killed the poor girl, and then just like that turned back to normal. But you were having non of that, late in the night you ran to the only place were you would be safe Beacon.

But then you learned from your father Ozpin how to suppress your ability, and now you went had a couple classes made friends. Until this shit happens

Cinder: "Y/N you awake Hun"?

Asked Cinder, you sat there blindfolded, as a bang came from the roof, a smile crept on to your lips.

You: "You are sooo screwed".

You said in a taunting voice, when someone with an adorable voice shouted up top the vehicle.

???: "We know your in there Cinder gives us back our friend, and come with us peacefully or we'll be forced to use lethal action".

You had to give credit to Ruby for sounding so determined, Cinder then growled and muttered to Roman,

Cinder: "take care of Y/N for me, I'll be right back".

Roman nodded before he made his way over, he sat across from you, and lit a cigar.

Roman: "well kid looks like it's just you and me".

You smirked and said

You: "Nope just you".

And then a black gloved fist surrounded by a yellow gauntlet, came smashing through the side and grabbed Roman's neck, before he can do anything you kicked him as hard as you can, he broke through the side of the containment truck. A certain blond looked through and smiled at you.

???: "Well hello cutie you need some help"?

She taunted you, while you rolled your eyes and faked a laugh.

You: "Haha Yang that's funny your a riot"

She pouted, as you sigh and say

You: "Just break the cuffs and let's get out of here".

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