Part 4: (Edited)

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Your POV:

You couldn't believe it your own father kicked you out, your mother, or what you thought as a mother Glynda did nothing to stop Ozpin. You only looked down at your feet your H/L H/C fell into your eyes giving you a dark and gloomy look, a storm started to brew as a warning signal came on and the pilot told the passengers to put on there seat belts.

You put yours on as you have a fear in dying in a plane crash, you closed your eyes as the plane shuddered and the glass rattled. You began to pray and hope to dear Oum that this is not how you want to go out. Your prayers were answered as the pilot managed to gain control over the turbulence, you let out a long sigh as you let go of the breath you hadn't realized you were holding.

You stared out the glass as you see another Bullhead pull up beside the one you were in, you guessed that another was on the other side as the students heading to Haven, or other locations. You looked out the glass as you see the cities lights of Haven in the distance the pilot came on.

Captain: "Hello everyone we will be landing shortly so please make sure you have your belongings ready and don't forget anything on the Bullhead please, thank you and have a nice day".

You took off your seat belt and decided to stretch your legs, as you did this you noticed a group of guys to your far right. One of them was a Faunas from what you can tell, because of the tail, you decided to introduce yourself as you walked to them the one with scarlet hair noticed you and motioned to the Faunas, they went silent as they walked to you.

As you stood across from one another, you were about to introduce yourself but that's when the Faunas obviously the leader said

???: "Well if it isn't Y/N L/N the one man team".

His voice sounded familiar but that's when it hit you.

You: "Sun"!!

He simply chuckled and the two of you did a bro hug along with his other team mates.

???: "How have you been after you killed Salem but had sex with her first"?

Says Neptune, Neptune is a guy with Blue hair goggles on his head, red jacket with the sleeves rolled up and black combat pants, his weapon is a trident that can change into a sniper. Sun the leader, is a Monkey Faunas he wears a pair of red gloves, his hair is blond and wears a opened up White dress shirt, he also wears a pair of blue jean shorts, and a pair of nice shoes that you would do buy them off him.

His other team mates were not very fond of you as you kinda kicked there ass on the first day you met for flirting with your girls.

You: "Shut up Neptune or do you wanna be drowned"

He stepped back and you laughed a little.

You: "I've been fine until now".

You say in a sad tone, Sun noticed and asked in a voice full of concern.

Sun: "What is it bud you can tell me we're all friends here right"?

His teammates nodded even the two in the back.

You: "I got kicked out of Beacon".

You started.

You: "I beat the shit out of team CRDL and nearly killed them".

Sun and Neptune only nodded and pat your back

Sun: "Hey man they probably deserved it, man I wish I could be as daring as you and bring them close to deaths doors"

He says. Neptune then notices that the Bullhead landed.

Neptune: "Hey guys we'll talk on the way there, the bull head has landed so let's get out there and get some puss-".

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