Part 3: (Edited)

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In GoodWitches class you got on your fighting cloths which consisted of a f/c hoodie, s/f/c cargo pants, black combat boots, with t/f/c stripes running down the arms and legs of your outfit. You had your w/t ready called w/n as you made your way to the arena, your mind kept on going back to when you confessed to team RWBY.

You were facing off against Team CRDL as they always wanted to beat the living shit out of you because you humiliated them when they bullied Jaune, and what you did was, shove each of them In a locker and launched them half way across the world. You got suspended for that but only for 4 months because your father is the headmaster he managed to get you to be not expelled.

You got in a ready stance as your weapon was, two swords you named w/n you then heard Glynda begin the match as the dicktits charged at you. You casually sidestep as Dick 1 tried to smash you with his mace, Dick two attempted a kick which you blocked with your blades and pushed him back, you felt the air shift behind you as you backflip over dick 3 trying to ram You with his shield.

You ducked a swing by Cardins mace as it got his friend in the face eliminating him from the match, there was a lot of.

Class: "oohs, that's gotta hurt".

You then change your swords into a handheld duel wielding Scythes, you hooked Cardins leg and flipped him on the back of his Neck a loud crack rang across the arena as most students cringed, you narrowly avoided a slash but you bent backwards underneath it, you swiped Cardins team mates legs and when he was In the air, you moved faster than anyone has seen and preformed a back breaker causing him to be eliminated.

You: "2 down *cracks neck* two to go".

You easily disarmed Cardins last teammate as he has trying to sneak up behind you, you grabbed his face and kneed him 3 times as he fell to the ground holding his nose now covered in blood you then caught Cardin who jumped mid air, and was gonna crush you again with his mace, he was caught by surprise at how you had the strength to lift him up.

You: "My other semblance Cardin, is Strength filed by rage".

you grinned as an idea popped into your head.

You: "Let's see if your worthy as a weapon".

You slammed him on the ground as you grabbed his leg.

You: "This is for my friends".

You lifted him up by his legs and swung down as you slammed Cardin on his teammate who gasped for breath.

You: "This is for the Faunas".

you slammed him again, as his teammate was gasping for breath as you shouted.


And slammed him one last time causing his leg to break, Cardins teammate was eliminated as so was Cardin, you heard the buzzer sound and you dropped him. Everyone stared at you shocked or scared, as you simply shrugged

You: "What? He deserved it".

Is all you say before Glynda calls the match and your now in Ozpins office with Glynda who looked angry beyond belief,

Ozpin: "Son you could've killed him and his teammate if you hadn't stopped".

You hang your head in shame as you twirl your thumbs.

You: "I'm sorry dad but-".

You stood up fists clenched

You: "He was a bully to my friends and everyone around him, not to mention he was discriminatory to the Faunas"

You continued nearly shouting now

You: "He deserved what he got AND I DONT FEEL BAD IF I HAD TO ILL DO IT AGAIN"!!

Ozpin pinched the bridge of his nose before he spoke.

Ozpin: "Son your going to a different school, we feel that with you here Cardin safety is in jeopardy".

Your eyes widen in shock as you began to panic


Ozpin looked away as he spoke.

Ozpin: "Your going to Haven academy so say goodbye to your friends and pack your things a bullhead will be here for you in 4 hours".

You looked at Glynda as she looked away and she had a look of absolute dismay on her face. You left the office and when you passed by people they whispered that your a monster, a beater, a savage, you packed your things and went to team RWBY's dorm, to your surprise JNPR was there, you took a deep breath before you told them your situation.

Ruby cried telling you to stay you told her you don't have a choice, Yang freaked out as she was on the verge of destroying anything in her path, Weiss was going to talk with Opzin about your reasons for doing this Blake didn't say a thing as JNPR said some heart felt stuff. It was time to go, you said good bye, but before you left, you Kissed Every member of Team RWBY, before leaving them, as you now began your new life at Haven academy.

Hey my fellow readers I know this chapter is a little shorter than the rest but I'm not feeling well today. Anyways this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 906

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