Part 9: (Edited)

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You spent your days in the hospital, you are currently watching the news as you had to be moved since there was murders going on at Haven. It was no question that the psycho that says they loved you and stabbed you said you belong to them and no one else did it. The whole cheerleading team was killed there body parts scattered all through out the building.

They even went so far As to get rid of the bodies by putting them in the meat grinder, it was during breakfast that a Faunas notices a persons iris in there cereal bowl when it floated up to the top staring directly at the poor Faunas. You turned off the T.V feeling disgusted, just then Team RWBY entered your room with smiles on there faces Ruby had a stitch mark on her nose, this got you concerned.

You: "Ruby who did that to you"?

Ruby looked up and looked down nervously Yang then held on to Rubys Shoulders and whispered something to her Ruby nodded before taking a deep breath.

Ruby: "It was the killer babe".

You nearly bolted up when you heard that

You: "When I get my hands on them I'm going to kill them".

You said in a shaky voice. The girls shuddered at your voice as it was somewhat disturbing. You then moved to the centre of the bed as the girls laid in either side of you as you turned on the T.V and watched some fail army. You had a few good laughs but you had to be careful because of the stitches, the days went by this way for a while until the doctors thought you were ready to leave.

Qrow paid the bill as you had a few days off now of R+R you are back at Beacon as they thought it wasn't safe for you at Haven considering you are the murderers so called senpai but the day you left was the day those bullies had karma catch up to them because they too were found dead. With a note saying, no one threatens my Senpai no one. Your father Ozpin had you stay in teams RWBY's dorm, they were going to make room for you by knocking out a wall or two but Yang insisted you sleep with her.

That caused a lot of troubles as they all wanted to sleep with you, so since your the headmasters son you managed to pull a few strings so now you have a only one very large bed. The girls took turns as to who slept beside you at night. Sometimes Yang would get rid of your morning wood by doing her Yangs special treatment that's what she calls it. It's either blowjob, handjob, or tit fuck. You were living every teenage boys dream, but that dream will soon turn into reality, as of which you didn't know.

When you woke up yang gave you a tit fuck, but it was cut short as Weiss almost woke up so you two decided to have a short break. You got up carful not to wake your girls and hopped in the shower, while there you looked at the scar left by your killer. You touched it as you remember her words, you shit your eyes tight as a thought that has been on your mind since that horrible day replayed in your mind.

You: "Should I breakup with them, it's for their safety after all"

A part of you wanted to in order to keep them safe, but another part was saying.

You: "I came to far, I have now what I always wanted, my girls are everything to me but why..."

You then look at your hands

You: "Should I put my desires first or should I put my loved ones first".

You shook your head as you focused on getting clean, meanwhile outside the door, Ruby heard everything. She had a tear run down her face, but then a crazy thought came to mind.

Ruby: "if I can get them to help me stay with my Senpai forever then it's totally worth it".

She then talked to the girls as they all agreed with sinister shark toothed smiles on their faces.

Ruby: "Time to go to Atlas Prison and cause a Lot a lot of Fiery carnage".

She put up her hoodie as she put her knife in her pocket. She walked out and headed to the prison, when you came out you were met by 3 very horny girls.

i can never get a break

You then slowly walked to the bed.

Meanwhile with Ruby, Ruby Rose killed the last of the guards as she now was standing across Winter Schnee, Winter glared and spoke in a raged filed voice.

Winter: "Ruby Rose why have you decided to betray your ultimate dream to become a huntress"?

Ruby had glowing silver eyes as she gave a shark toothed grin.

Ruby: "It's all to make sure I never have to leave my Senpai"

Winters eyes widen.

Winter: "So you are the one that killed those poor students"?

Ruby then laughed insanely as she unleashed her power as Winter tried to fight, but only to perish at the blade of her own Weapon. Ruby then went straight to the cells, she then opens them all and when she waited there stood Mercury, Emerald, and Cinder along with Neo. When Ruby explained her reasoning for setting them free.

Cinder agreed but she wanted only one thing in return, 'you' she went to the evidence room where she found the scarf you bought her. She wrapped it around her neck as she then started to make her plans to get her Senpai...Their Senpai.

Hey my fellow readers how y'all doing leave comments on what you think of this book so far, far you have any friends tell or ask them to follow me as I always follow back. If there are any spelling errors in sorry but I write this on an I pod 5 anyways this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 1025

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