Part 5: (Edited)

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Your POV:

You've been in Haven for 3 weeks, after the initiation along with team RWBY joining you, you all are in a team together. They moved all there belongings from Beacon to Haven, with the help of the your friends of course. During this time, you took the girls on separate dates, you wearing a suit and tie, and them in a nice silk dress, that hugged there curves nicely. You went to a movie with them all Ruby and Yang was the Venom Movie, Blake and Weiss was the Slender Man Movie.

After that you all enjoyed a fun time, at the mall, fun for them but a fortune for you. You bought Ruby some weapons, Yang some Lingerie, Weiss some new clothes, and Blake a couple of novels from her favourite author, along with Ninjas in love 2. Once the nights were over you headed back to your dorm, when you opened the door you were caught by surprise by them all but Blake who was with you in the middle of changing, you quickly covered your eyes, as you had a massive nose bleed and a massive blush on your face.

Weiss wouldn't stop giving you a lecture of how wrong it is to not knock when a woman's door is closed. You just shrunk back in your seat as she loomed over you. So that's what has happened during your three weeks, you snapped back to reality when Yang got you out of your trance by grabbing your crotch underneath the desk.

Yang: "Hey babe did you sleep at all"?

Asked Yang in a concerned tone,

You: "Oh-y-yeah I did, D-don't worry about it Hun".

You replied. She slowly nodded as she took her hand off your crotch, you let out a sigh of relief, when you see out of the corner of your eye, Ruby writing a note and passing it to Weiss who nodded in agreement she then passed it to you but told you to not read it. Blake and Yang looked it over as the both agreed.

What's going on?

You looked over your shoulder to see a girl staring at you, your girlfriends didn't seem to notice, she waved as you gave her a nod. Blake hissed at the girl as the girl quickly got back to work. In all your time knowing Blake she never hissed, this was something new. When class ended you went to the next, Ruby was missing you asked Yang and she said Ruby is not feeling well so she's in the ladies restroom, feeling concerned you asked.

You: "is she ok"?

Yang then pat your shoulder and said in a monotone voice

Yang: "Oh she's more than ok right now"

She kissed your cheek and went back to the lesson. Thinking nothing of it you paid attention to the lesson, that's when you heard a couple of guys talking about your girls in a manner of using them as sex slaves, you tried to hold in your anger, when it was the end of class, you couldn't wait to show them a time in hell in the combat class. The teachers name was

???: "Hello students and new comers I am Professor Bob your previous instructor has been under the weather for a lil while now so I'll be taken charge here until she recovers".

He scanned the Area until he spoke

Bob: "Does anyone want to volunteer and choose and opponent"?

You raised your hand as he raised an eyebrow.

Bob: "Your new here so I'm looking forward to seeing your skills do you have an opponent in mind"?

You then pointed to the whole team of the small dicks

You: "them".

They all grinned as some of the students face palmed

???: "I accept we all do".

you then went to get changed as you put on your combat outfit. When you came out you had your two Swords W/N sheathed to your back, the Small Dicks consisted of a Swordsman, Broadswords Man, a shotgun Woody Harrelson wannabe, and a scythe Wielder obviously the leader. As you walked to each other in a face off the air was thick of rage, and even death.

The leader spoke

???: "I so can't wait to show your gals that your a wimp".

You then said

You: "Look who talking small Dick"

His teammate spoke up

???: "Who do you think your talking to"?

He balled his fists.

You: "A couple of bag tits that need to be put down".

There teammates laughed as the odd ones sent horrible comebacks your way. You laughed as you stepped back and took out your Swords and got in a fighting stance, the others chuckled and when the Prof said go you clashed with all of them.

Activate cliff hanger hey my fellow readers leave comments on what you think of this chapter, also if you have friends that absolutely love Yandere's please mention them to my book here also don't forget to follow me as I always follow back. And I'm also thinking about doing a Male Creepypasta Reader X RWBY so ill leave a names of the Creepypasta that I choose with the most votes by the end of this month on my profile and whoever wins will be you as that character this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 898

Yandere Team RWBY X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now