Part 2: (Edited)

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Your Dream POV:

You dreamed that Beacon was falling, but that was years ago when you beat Salem, the blood on the walls and bodies on the floor left you feeling dread as you recognized a lot of them. Coco, Velvet, Nora, Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Ozpin, Sun, Neptune, Jaune, Ren, Cardin and his gang of dick tits mostly everyone you cared about including Ruby, and Yangs families, the ones you fought side by side together against Salem.

You would've fallen to your knees and cried, but something held you up, that's when you noticed 5 figures emerged from the bodies as they turned to ash, there stood Team RWBY, but not as you remember them. They had a dark aura surrounding them, they looked at you with eyes filled with lust, insanity, and murder intent. The fifth member was Cinder the girls fanned out around her as they all walked slowly to you like a lion stalking its prey.

You tried to break free but you couldn't, they were standing in front of you now as they said in a lust filled tone

Cinder, Ruby, Blake, Yang, Weiss: "if we can't have you no one can"

And again they spoke in sync,

Cinder, Ruby, Blake, Yang, Weiss: "We love you so much that we couldn't have the others getting in the way".

You tried to speak but couldn't find your voice. That's when Cinder lit her hands up with blue flames, as she brought it to your face.

Cinder: "You will love me...or die".

And with that she Burned the right side of your face. You screamed in pain, but soon you felt someone shaking you in your sleep, you jolt awake to see Ruby on top of you her hands on your shoulders. You look around before you realize your holding your breath

Ruby: "Are you ok Y/N, you had s nightmare and was screaming"?

You were about to answer when the door got busted down making Ruby sit-up, There stood Yang with Ember Celica she shouted


She blushed seeing Ruby on top of you, Ruby tilted her head in confusion until she realized the position you two were in. Ruby faster than anything you ever seen jump off you and ran out the door, you looked at Yang and stuttered.

You: "th-that was n-not what you think I-it was".

Yang glared and said darkly.

Yang: "If Ruby says otherwise I'll break every bone in your body"

You then grinned as you remember how protective Ozpin was of you.

You: "You sure you wanna beat the Headmasters Son to a pulp"?

She faltered as you kept going.

You: "that would get you sent home packing and a warning to stay away from me".

Yang then put her arms down and growled in defeat but that soon turned into a grin

Yang: "I have other ways I could punish you".

She twirled her hair around her finger and bit her lip. You blushed as you looked away

You: "mind getting out so I can get dressed"

Yang made a pouty face as she says

Yang: "Why I want to see your yummy Body"

You then sigh in annoyance.

You: "just...get out".

She scoffed and picked up your door before closing it. You then shouted out.

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