Part 10: (Edited)

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Your POV:

You woke up to see Ruby is missing, you got up quietly so as to not wake your harem, you went to the kitchen and made yourself and the girls some breakfast. That's when the door to your dorm opened and in walked Ruby, she looked tired as fuck, you walked to her as she stopped and looked at you with tired eyes.

You: "Hey my little red riding hood"

You say as she spreads her arms and hugs you.

Ruby: "Carry me to bed darling"

She says in a sleepy voice.

You: "Your wish is my command"

You reply. You pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bed, Blake's nose twitches, as you were about to leave she grabs your arm. You look back as she has a glazed over look.

Blake: "Are you..*sniff* cooking fish"?

You smile and say

You: "For you my dear anything".

She nods before passing out, you chuckle and continue cooking, when your finished cooking, everybody wakes up including Ruby who still looks a little tired. You sit down and begin eating your meal, the girls seemed tense all of a sudden, that's when you realize there was someone behind you. In a flash you grabbed the kitchen knife and spun around and put the edge of the blade it couldn't be...

You: "Cinder"?

You say while growling, she smiles and says

Cinder: "Hello Senpai may I join you in this meal"?

You were gonna slit her throat when a certain green haired bitch held her gun to your head.

Emerald: "Make the wrong move Y/N and you'll have a hole in your head".

In another flash you had her on the ground with both her guns in both hands pointing them at both Cinder and Emerald. You see a fast grey moving object coming straight at you from behind you as you trained the guns on them, Mercury Black dropped kicked you to the floor. You rolled back onto your feet as you charged with the kitchen knife in your hand as soon as you made contact, they shattered like glass. Only to reveal Neo the most big surprise was Team RWBY and CMEN had their weapons trained on you, you looked at your girls as they had a sinister smirk on their faces.

You: " did this"?

You ask, she only smiles and nods

Ruby: "For you my love anything".

You had unimaginable anger as you growl

You: "Cinder what have you done to my girls"?

She only smirks and walks to you

Cinder: "My love we did nothing to them as you can see they are doing this out of their own free will".

You looked to your Harem as they all had lust written all over their faces, you then say in a monotone voice

You: "Team RWBY...we are so over..."

They all changed in a snap, Yang went full super sayain and Ruby had her silver eyes coming out, Blake started to make copies of her self, and Weiss was summoning a bunch of Grimm come to her side.


They all scream in sync and they all attack, you are dodging everything they had and are using your strength to break all of their bones. You can hear Ozpin's voice on the intercom telling the nearest students to come aid you in this fight. You had your stomach sliced a little as blood seeped from the cut, you caught Mercury's leg as he was gonna preform a roundhouse kick on you, you bent his leg with your strength.

Jaune: "Y/N"!!

You see Jaune with his teammates attack everyone, Pyraah charged at Cinder because them two have a score to settle, Jaune attacks Mercury, Nora attacks Emerald, Ren attacks Neo, and now you face off against Team RWBY Ruby gives you an evil grin as she lets out her silver eyes, you try to use your charm but you were too late, as all of team JNPR are frozen and so is everyone in the school. You glare at them and charge, Yang tries to clothesline you as you grab her one good arm, and twist it the other way, she screams in agony as the bone pops out the side with a loud crack and snap.

You dodge one of Weiss's Ersa and snap its neck, you dodge an incoming stab from Blake as you catch her mid air, and choke slam her through the floor as you crash down into the room below only to crush some students turned into statues. Blake lays motionless, a sharp pain rushes to your shoulder as you see Weiss's Rapier go through it. She pulls it out and goes for another but you catch the blade in your hand as it cuts your hand Blood pours between your fingers.

You push her blade to the side as she falls forward and deliver a throat punch, she gasps for breath,

You: "I'm sorry"

You say as you then deliver a uppercut and her head snaps back. You then see Ruby swinging her scythe all around you dodge a few but your also losing energy fast. You make a run for it you then grab your weapons off the wall and turn them into handheld duel wielding scythes. Emerald comes at you with a back stab as your backflip over her, and have her run Mercury straight through, her face contorts from one to anger to absolute shock and sadness.

You then swing the your right hand held Scythe and stab her through the back of her spine shattering it completely. You then turn around only to try to sidestep but have Neo's hidden umbrella sword go through you hip, you let out a gut wrenching cry as you sucker-punch her on the side of her head aiming for the temple, she goes down. You hear insane laughter, the wounds you have are making you feel weak it may also be from the blood loss.

You: "Cinder you a twisted evil daughter of a whore".

She glared at you and sends a fire ball your way, you do the only thing you could do and jump out the window. You land in some bushes as you get up, and half limp and half sprint into the city. Cinder's laughter can be heard as you soon hear Ruby's, Weiss, Blake's and Yang's laughter were just at the edge of the city and your breathing was getting to a point where it sounded like gasping, there were people in the distance as you tried calling for help that is until a hand grabbed your deepest stab wound and a sultry voice said.

???: "Mine".

And you let the darkness consume you.

Hey my fellow readers tell me what you think of this chapter by leaving a comment. If you have friends that are interested in Yandere RWBY then please recommend them to my book here. Also if you have friends that are in desperate need of followers please tell them to follow me as I always follow back. So...this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 1208

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