Part 6: (Edited)

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Your POV:

The clash was brutal as a shockwave made the ground crack and a sonic boom shoot out all around you. Lucky for the students in the bleachers there is a protective barrier, you hooked Small dick 3 leg with your handheld scythe and made him land on the back of his neck. He cried out in pain as a loud crack rang out, it was a one hit k-o, his teammates faltered.

You: "What's wrong guys? did you think I would hold back"?

They ran at you, a big mistake, you bend your knees and waited 3...2...1..Now!! You slashed your scythes out sending a blade of energy hurtling toward them, two of them jumped over it but the 4 dickswabb got a direct hit to his groin. Everyone cringed and the boys in the bleachers grabbed there groins out of instinct. You then backfliped as the broadsword came with a downward slash, his blade embedded in the ground, you dashed as your mind started to go in a frenzy.

You began to laugh insanely as you seemed to move in no time at all like you teleported and you backflipped while kicking him in the air, you landed on your feet as you once again teleported and kicked him into the ground, the buzzer sounded as he was eliminated. You looked to the leader as he growled

???: "Nothing but s bunch of useless pests"

He glared at you as he started to grin

???: "let me show you my true power".

Everybody gasps as he raised his scythe and a black aura shrouded him in darkness, the same aura shrouded you, as you began to feel weak.

You: "Your trying to drain my energy"

He simply laughed as you struggled to stand up, he then walked toward you as he knees you in the gut.

???: "That's for the names".

He grabs your hair and punches you straight in between the eyes

???: "That's for my friends".

You got back up.

???: "Oh we have a fighter".

Someone in the crowd shouted

Random Student: "New kid stay down"!!!

You then sighed as a green aura surrounded you

You: "Is that all you got"?

You opened your eyes as they glowed a f/c you then had your energy being restored.

You: "I'll show you true power".

You both clashed your weapons, as sparks fly everywhere

???: "Why can't you just SUBMIT"

He shouted.

You: "Your dealing with a legends son bitch"

You glared staring into his eyes.

You: "I'm Ozpins Son"

His eyes Widen as you teleport behind him and kick behind his knees causing him to kneel

You: "Alright kneeling are you gonna beg for your life now"?

He was gonna stand up when you grabbed his neck from behind and flipped him backwards as he face planted into the ground. The buzzer rang out as you had won, every one was quiet as they had never see Anyone beat him, you raised your arms and took in the audiences applause. When if was time for lunch a bunch of girls that have been cheated on by the leader of the group asked you questions, you then learned there a part of a cheer squad, and they would send you pics of them naked.

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