Part 8: (Edited)

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Your POV:

You woke up during the night as you had a feeling you were being watched, as you got up carefully so you didn't wake any of your girls. You put on a pair of boxers as you crept to the window, there on the tree perched on a branch was a raven. It's blood red eyes bore deep into yours as if it were glaring, you glared back, as you opened the window and leaned on the window sill.

You: "It's been a long time Raven Brawnwen"

You sneered, Raven transformed into, her normal self, she glared at you.

Raven: "Tell me why my daughter and Niece, are naked and you are to"

She put her hand on the hilt of her sword. You scoffed and whisper shouted

You: "oh so now you care huh?, what about all those years ago you abandoned her"?

She slightly took out her blade as you used your semblance on her. She had a dazed look and her face turned one into anger to pure lust.

Raven: "How may I serve my master"

She said in a lust filled tone.

You: "Even though you act strong Raven your nothing but a weak little girl".

She giggled as she was under your charm

Raven: "Oh yes I am daddy, please can we have some fun"?

She stroked her leg, as she was using her other hand to undress.

You: "You will go back to your camp of Bandits, and when you wake in the morning you have served your usefulness"

She then giggled.

Raven: "Anything for my master"

She turned into a Raven and flew away into the night. You looked back to the sleeping figures of your harem, you smiled and closed your window before, going to take a walk. But unknown to you your harem were wide awake, and had a thirst for Ravens Blood. As you slowly dressed you made sure to give your girls kisses and quietly headed out into the dimly lit hallways.

You walked down the hallway and you were sure you could hear snickers, giggles, and light footsteps. Thinking that your just tired you began heading back until a gust of wind, blew off your hoody, reacting fast you spin around and got into a defensive position. You had to take a moment as your sudden fast movement, had momentarily made you feel lightheaded, your vision darkened, as you see a person in a black hoodie you closed your eyes and when you opened them, nothing was there.

You then sigh

You: "Great Raven ruined my sleep and now I'm starting to see shit" 

You were gonna head back when suddenly you blacked out...

...When you awoke you were tied to a chair, your vision blurred, you heard a voice ask.

???: "How did you sleep my darling"?

You tried to shake off your drowsiness but nothing seemed to work.

You: "W-Who the hell are you"?

You managed to ask,

???: "That is a good question my dear Senpai"

The voice sounded distorted but it had a feminine tone to it you looked to see a pale face hidden by long black hair that fell in their face. They were very short from what you could tell.

???: "Listen and listen well my dear, You belong to us and no one else, remember we are watching, and if you ever talk to another female we shall kill them".

You tried to speak but then a searing pain shot in your ribcage, you just realized that they must've stabbed you, someone then untied you, and you fell to the ground flat on your stomach, they removed the knife slowly, but painfully.

???: "Hurry now my love, we wouldn't wanna have you bleed out".

They said the last part with a hint of insanity in there voice. You began to crawl, as you reached a door you had to bang on it since you couldn't reach it. You rolled on your back as you looked to were your attacker was but saw nothing but the chair you were tied in and you blood trail. You looked to the ceiling as you thought.

This is it, I'm going to die here, arnt I?

You then had your vision blur

You: "I'm sorry my loves"

You said but then a light shown on your face as a silhouette of a person rushed over to you

???: "Hang in there kiddo I got you".

You blacked out when the last thing that was on your mind.

Thank you Qrow.


When you awoke you were In the infirmary strapped to an AV you looked around till your eyes stopped on a smiling team RWBY but they looked different, they had Hoodies on both there Color, Ruby had a Black Hoodie while Weiss had a Grey Hoodie, Blake had a black hoodie with cat ears on top, and yang wore a black leather jacket with a hoodie underneath.

To complete their outfits Ruby wore blue Jeans with a chain on her right hip, on her leg was a red rose that had a style too make it look as if it were bleeding, she seemed more paler than normal she wore black combats boots with red streak going down both sides. Weiss had black leggings on, and had some silver Snowflakes going down both sides of her legs. She wore a chain necklace.

And to complete it had sneakers instead of heels. Blake had Black leggings on with leather on the sides. She wore black fingerless gloves and all of them seemed to be more paler, Yang had her symbol on the right breast of her jacket it was opened enough to show only you a good amount of her assets, she had Black jeans on with a chain on her left hip, she wore black leather gloves, and she wore a taunting smirk, she also wore Black combat boots. You stared at them for a second before saying.

You: "Ok tell me what's with the sudden change of attire"?

The girls giggled as Ruby spoke up

Ruby: "oh it's nothing to worry about n/n (nickname) we just had a change in style"

Weiss added

Weiss: "C'mon N/n we dressed up just for you".

Blake then purred

Blake: "do you like our outfits by the way"?

Yang smirked and spoke in a lust full voice

Yang: "Oh I know he has his eyes on something for a while".

You then smile and say

You: "You all look lovely now have any of you knew who attacked me"?

They looked at one another before nodding

Blake: "Qrow found you but when atlas searched for evidence they found nothing".

You look to the ceiling as images and the voice of your attacker rang in your head.

????: "if you ever talk to another female we shall kill them"

You knew there was more to it but you began to feel sleepy

You: "Hey girls be safe ok, the person said I belong to them, and if I talk to any other girls they would kill them, so promise me you'll travel together or in groups of two".

The girls smiled and nodded. You then closed your eyes before you felt four set of slips on your and they left as you drifted off to sleep.

Hey my fellow readers tell me are you enjoying the book so far, i know I am I bet you love this book as much as I love writing it. Anyways leave comments on what you think, if you got any friends ask them to follow me as I always follow back, and also recommend them to my other books. And if there are any spelling errors I'm sorry but I do all my work on A I pod 5 I know old school huh anyways this is Horror-Kun and that's a rap.

Word Count: 1317

Yandere Team RWBY X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now