Pink Note

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Beca's POV

What's wrong with me? I ask myself while waiting for detention to be over. Miss Beale is the teacher-in-charge and I can't help myself from thinking about what it'd be like to date her. She's probably not single, considering the way she keeps smiling at her phone, and I can't believe I want to actually punch that phone out of her hands and kiss her furiously. I mean, she's my fucking teacher!

Just then, a small pink note lands on my table.

miss Beale is surely taken!

The only person that could've even used pink notes was Stacie, probably for one of her love letters to 'the hunter'. I looked back at her and all she did was give me a small smirk. I glared at her, at that point in time, I considered punching her in the face after I ripped her note into shreds. But this was detention. And I didn't really want to get another one, knowing how many I've gotten this week, maybe it'd expand to the whole month!

So I quickly scribbled a message back, sneaking a couple of glances up to make sure Miss Beale couldn't see me.

Shut up stace. I know.

Then I tossed it to Stacie. Or at least I thought I did.

I must've missed, because I saw the pink note land right beside Miss Beale. 

Stupid wind.

I looked at Stacie as we both watched her, hearts beating repeatedly. We watched as she stared at the note beside her foot curiously for a couple of seconds before picking it up and reading it. I saw her brow furrow in confusion and her lips purse, looking as if she was trying to figure who wrote it. Suddenly her eyes flicked up and fortunately, Stacie and I managed to busy ourselves and avoid any eye contact with the teacher.

I looked up just in time to see her stand up and walk over to the bin, throwing in the pink note. Sighing in relief, I slumped back in my chair. At least she didn't question us.

"Bring!" Finally, detention was over. As I got up to collect my things and pick up my bag, I heard a call of my name. I turned around, only to be met with the stern eyes of Miss Beale. She was looking super irritated about something. Hmmm.... wonder what that could be...

"Beca! I would like to talk to you and Miss Conrad." With a helpless groan I walked over to where Stacie was cowarding behind a pillar. "I'm not blind, Stace, I can see you."

Sighing, she picked up her bags and walked back into the classroom with me.

The sight in front of us was almost astonishing, Miss Beale was clearly in some sort of pain, gripping your stomach while groaning loudly was definitely not a regular occurrence. "Miss Beale?" I asked timidly, not wanting to irritate the redhead more, at this rate, I was sure that even one breath of an unkind word would surely drive her over the edge.

Panicking, Stacie slowly walked over to the teacher, placing a soothing hand on her back. "Is this normal to you?" She asked, glaring at me for not helping her. I quickly rushed to her side, bending down to be at eye level with Beale. "Hey, erm, are you okay?" I asked softly, not really knowing what to do in situations as such. "Beca... does it look like I'm okay?!" Her tone quickly changed from gentle to cold. "Woah woah woah, Red, that's no way to get anyone to help you." I chuckled quietly, albeit instantly cut short with a glare from the redhead. 

"C'mon, are you okay to drive home?" Stacie asked, continuing to rub soothing circles on the older girl's back. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Stacie." She replied, however stopping suddenly as she felt an immense pain take over her body. "Maybe not." She mumbled.

Chloe's POV 

The minute I got back to my apartment, I rushed to my bathroom as quickly as I could. Throwing up in the toilet bowl. I cringed at the feeling and the smell, immediately flushing it down. After opting to brush my teeth multiple times, I recalled back to the day's events. Pregnancy was sure to hit me hard. But Beca and Stacie had been so nice to help me instead of just rushing off like what any other student would have probably done. I sighed, I had to stop thinking about my students! I then remembered the pink note that'd somehow flew to me.

I recognised Beca's handwriting since I'd stared at her beautifully structured notes over and over again. And well, she did mention Stacie's name on the note so I assumed the person who'd sent it must've been Beca, the wind had probably pushed it to me. But why were they discussing if I was single or not? Did Stacie like me? Or was it Beca? I really was just looking at cute cat videos the whole of my detention-duty so how could've they interpreted that I was taken? I sighed and slumped down on my bed. This was really starting to get a little fishy.

I took out my phone from my jean pocket and placed it on my bedside table, which was really just a cardboard box, deciding to change into something more comfortable.

Changed into black shorts and a cute hoodie, I flopped down on my bed and scrolled through Instagram. At that moment, I saw the notification stating there was a text from my least favourite brunette, Chicago.

Chicago: Hey Chlo, wanna go get lunch tomorrow?

I nearly threw up once again upon reading that text. No, he couldn't actually be into me, right? I usually feel really bad for turning people down but this time, I didn't really care. I just wanted Chicago out from my WhatsApp chats.

Chloe: Sorry, Chicago, kinda got a thing tomorrow...

Chicago: oh, that's fine. Maybe some other time!

I groaned after switching off my phone with a click, pulling the covers over my head and closing my eyes, falling into long awaited slumber.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Follow my Instagram @becasbeale if you wanna

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