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Chloe's POV

It had been around twelve weeks since I found out I was pregnant and I was finally starting to show a bit. That day was five days away from my twelfth week scan and since I hadn't gone to confirm the pregnancy having been too caught up in my job, it was the first time I could see my baby. 

I still hadn't told Tom yet, and I doubted he'd even care. So, whipping out the rectangular device from my pocket, I quickly dialed his number in a flash.


"Chloe! It's been so long, I miss your pretty face."

"Hey, well, you wanna meet up? I have some important news."

"Sure? Is tomorrow okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess I'll see you then."

"Bye babe."

"Bye Tom." And she hung up.

It was the day that I would have to meet my boyfriend, I was kind of grossed out since I've called already two people my 'partner' at the same time. I felt dirty, almost like a slut, like a cheater and someone I never wanted to become. Two-timing people was such a horrible thing to do, I couldn't actually believe myself.

These thoughts had kept running through my mind for the whole day and I couldn't really concentrate. I felt so bad, I didn't even feel like teaching, something that was very rare.

"Okay, class, free period, do anything you want, just no talking or passing notes."

I could tell the class was extremely happy with my statement, as they immediately erupted into cheers before settling back down to read or do their own individual work.

I sank back in my chair, tugging down a magazine from my desk and opening it up on my lap to read from.

"Miss Beale?" a familiar voice rang out in my ears. "Are you okay?"

Beca Mitchell. Yuck.

I really didn't want to tell her the truth as I feared she'd just blab to everyone she knows and eventually I'd be the talk of the school. Beca was popular, as far as I knew, she's in almost every single issue of 'Barden Blog', that has to make her popular, right? Besides, I see how people look at her, some with a look of adoration and respect, some looking like they practically want to devour her. I don't know, but for some reason, whenever I see them looking at her in that way, as hypocritical as I am to say this, I want to slap them. I feel this big wave of something rise from inside me, jealousy, I'm ashamed to admit. I had a boyfriend, I was such a cheater, I hated it.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely, raising an eyebrow. Though I spoke rather quietly, I knew that if anyone were to see me acting this way to a student, I'd probably get fired.

"I can tell my father to fire you," she responded smugly.

"No you can't, forget? He's gone, Beca," I could tell that something inside her cracked as she finally recalled that fateful day. I knew I was probably being too hard on the girl, but I was so pissed at her, the nerve she had to talk back to me in that manner! Like, hello? I'm four years older than you!

"Well, sorry, for asking you how you're feeling and trying my best to make your day better," she said, hurt evident in her tone. I felt bad for the brunette, she had been through a lot already, I've probably just made things worst.

"Wait, Becs. Come back," I said, softly enough so that the rest of the class wouldn't hear.

"What is it now? Insulting me again?" She sniffed sadly, tears threatening to fall as her eyes watered.

"No! I- I wanted to talk."

I saw her wipe her tears away as she nodded her head just slightly before walking out of the class, to the same space we declared ourselves together. I didn't know if were still together at this point, it seemed extremely unlikely though.

"So, what's up?" Beca asked me, concern clearly written on her face as her eyebrows scrunched together.

"It's kind of h-hard for me to say," I stuttered nervously. I wondered why I felt that way. I mean, Chloe, you shouldn't even care about what Beca Mitchell thinks of you, you shouldn't care if Beca Mitchell told the whole school about you being pregnant. You shouldn't care, because Beca  Mitchell is nothing to you, nothing.

But one look in her eyes, filled with tenderness and warmth, I kind of want to tell her right then and there. Her telling me, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," was kind of the final push. Because that was exactly what I had told her before she told me about her dad.

"I'm pregnant." I breathed out.


Dead silence. 

Beca didn't even utter a single word. It seemed like everything had stopped.

All I could hear was my heart beating in my chest.


Like a hundred billion rocks had dropped down on it.

Shattering the organ.

Making me stop breathing.

But still,


And silence was all that'd ever be.

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