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Narrator's POV 

The next two weeks, Beca didn't utter a word to anyone. She didn't go to classes, she didn't go out for meals, she didn't even go for Bellas practice. Sure, Chloe was pretty upset at the brunette. Skipping practice so late into competition season was definitely uncalled for, not even giving a valid excuse. I mean, sorry can't go to practice till idk when  wasn't going to cut it for the redhead, it wasn't even nicely made up or anything, simply a scrap of paper with the ugliest handwriting that seemed like it was written in two seconds flat pasted choppily on her desk.

No one knew what the petite brunette was going through. Well, except for the principal who had comforted her in her own office. But no one else. She planned to keep it this way, however, she herself knew that skipping almost all meals for two weeks straight and just ordering in pizza every once a week wasn't nearly a healthy schedule and she couldn't even believe she was starving herself so badly. Not wanting to go out and face her friends was probably the cause of this situation, as much as she didn't want to admit this, Stacie and Jesse along with all the Bellas were starting to get on her nerves. Texting everyday just in hopes of getting a simple hi back was becoming such a problem that she simply locked her phone up in her sock drawer and tried her best to ignore the casual beeps that could be heard even from the outside.

Kimmy Jin was in Korea. She claimed she was taking a short vacation from school to visit her family and would be back in a week or so.

She wasn't back yet and it was just slightly worrying Beca.

Yeah, the two brunettes weren't always the best of friends, but she did admit it was nice having someone in your presence, not saying anything, just there when you need it.

Beca sighed, pausing the mix she was currently listening to on her laptop, the one she'd been working on with all the time she just so happened to have, and took off her headphones from around her neck. Closing her laptop screen down to face the keypad after exiting the expensive software used to make her beloved music.

She was starting to get bored of having no company.

So, packing her bag after what seemed like years, Beca zipped it up and slung it on her shoulder, walking off to her next period.


She smirked to herself as she imagined the redhead's expression when she emerged from the outside of class. She knew the redhead couldn't hold a grudge and probably wouldn't be upset with her.

Though her friends probably would want tonnes of answers. Beca knew her disappearance had been the talk of the school, being the most popular girl on campus, her name was always on the front cover of the 'Barden Blog' that was mailed out every week. She had gotten one, smirking yet again when she read the short paragraph on herself.

Walking through the doors of Miss Beale's classroom, she was greeted with many confused and happy looks from her fellow classmates.

"Look who it is." Came the stern voice of the teacher. Beca was shocked to be greeted with cold blue eyes glaring daggers at her. Not at all how she imagined her reappearance. "Miss me?" She shot back with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Missed putting you in detention, sure." The redhead retorted. A chorus of "Oooh"s and "Buuurn"s were heard all around the class, accompanied by a couple of snickers and laughter. Beca could tell that most came from Stacie and she managed to glare extra at the leggy brunette. She couldn't believe her friends had backstabbed her in such a way, they hadn't a clue to why she was absent.

Miss Beale, as if reading the girl's mind, asked, "Why didn't you come to class anyway?"

"I-It's not important." Beca stuttered nervously, playing with her finger and looking at the ground.

"It clearly is, Beca, if you need to skip two weeks of school for it," Miss Beale pried on, a little gentler and softer this time.

"No! It's not, okay!" Beca yelled out in frustration. It just so happens that right at that very moment, the principal walked right past Miss Beale's classroom and heard it all. 

Stepping in, she said to the baffled teacher, "Look, Chloe, Beca has been having a hard time lately, it's no wonder she'd skipped school for so many days. You shouldn't punish her."

With a turn of her heels, the principal strutted back out of the classroom. Leaving a frowning Beca and Chloe behind in her dust. "So... Do you want to talk about it. You'll feel much better, I promise, Becs." Miss Beale whispered to the girl up front. Beca seemed to think about it for a while, before nodding her head in agreement. 

"Can we go outside, please?"

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