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Chloe's POV 

"So are you going to tell me what's going on, now?" I asked the girl in front of me, we were a safe distance away from the class so there's no doubt that they can't hear us. I still didn't understand though, I mean, skipping school for two weeks isn't permitted here.

"I-it's j-ju-ust that," Beca stammered, her eyes starting to water. And all thoughts of despising the brunette was immediately removed from my mind. The sight of me was almost unbearable to look at, the small, alt-girl was actually looking so... vulnerable for once, I just couldn't help but pull her close in a hug that I never wanted to end. She placed her head on my shoulder and started to cry hard, loud sobs against it. "Hey... Becs, you know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, right?"

"I-I w-want to. I haven't told-d anyone yet. I-I just wanna get i-it out, Chloe." The girl choked out between tears and her voice muffled as her face was still pressed close to my shoulder.

I gave her a reassuring smile, "well continue then."

"M-my dad d-died." She stuttered sadly, before crying loudly into my shoulder once again. I couldn't believe it, I expected it to be way less serious, something maybe even stupid. I extremely regretted even thinking those horrid thoughts about the brunette while she was in her dorm, probably crying her heart out. "Becs..." I started, only to be cut off.

"It's okay if you don't believe me. Or don't even care. Sorry, I-I shouldn't have said anything."

She started to release herself from my grasp but I soon hugged her once again. "Why would I think you're lying? I love you Becs, and I do care about this." I rushed out, tucking her head under my chin like an overprotective mother.

"Thanks, Chlo- wait. Did you say you love me?" She asked, her voice sounding playful having that mischievous twinkle in her eye and eyebrow raised. I immediately brought my hand to my mouth, eyes opening wide, how could she have known? Oh, you dickhead, you said it in your speech, I thought. "Are you okay?" She asked me, the brunette looked genuinely concerned this time.

"Do you love me?" I asked the girl hesitantly.

She seemed to think about it for quite some time before responding, "I don't know. I mean... I'd love to date you, but, you could lose your job, Chlo. Would you risk it?" She replied, looking down at her worn-out high-top converse. I have to admit that I felt a little disappointed. "Of course. If I want something I'll make sure to always chase it," I winked, smirking a little as Beca grew extremely red.

"So, girlfriends?" She asked.

"Girlfriends!" I exclaimed, my smile widening.

"But if you lose your job, don't blame it on me." Beca said strictly to which I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Mom, let's go to class."

She chuckled a bit before heading back behind me.

I could tell that people were soon going to start questioning her as when we walked in, her eyes all red and puffy but her mouth smiling, was sure to bring confusion. The badass looked almost, cheerful. 

As soon as Beca sat down, I could tell Stacie looked at her with narrowed eyes ad I kind of wanted to punch her. So when she started to open her mouth, I exclaimed, "Okay class, I hope you have finished your grammar worksheets I handed out, we'll now focus on the next topic, figurative speech. We'll start of with hyperboles. Can someone tell me what a hyperbole is?" I asked, noticing the way Beca smiled gratefully at me when I interrupted Stacie.

A boy named Benji raised his hand, "hyperboles are exaggerated phrases, such as: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. That's a hyperbole."

I smiled, thinking him and saying he was right before moving on.

I could tell Beca was zoning out for the majority of the class which I was rather irritated about, her grades weren't going to help themselves, were they?

"Mitchell, face front. Go wash your face if you need to." I sighed. I watched her roll her eyes at me before standing up with a loud groan of her chair and strolling off. The fact that she rolled her eyes at me got me rather hurt. I mean, we were together now, shouldn't she be just a little nicer to me? I couldn't believe I was talking this way. It must be the pregnancy, which I hadn't even talked to my parents about, or Tom for that matter. Tom. I was cheating on him! Just the thought of that got me so guilty that I had to stop class.

"Okay, free period, I'm handing out homework now." I sighed, running my hands through my hair, before grabbing a pile of worksheets from atop my desk.

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