Choi San (Ateez)

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Everything started like every other day. You woke up and got dressed. Easy right? Well, apparently the world didn't think that way. Halfway on your way to work it began to rain and lucky you that you did not bring any spare clothing. Even better is that all of your colleagues are male. Not a single woman that could give you her spare clothes. So stupid, but there was nothing to do about it. At least you didn't wear the working clothes already otherwise they would have been soaked. You quickly walk further to the workshop. You work as a wood artist since you always had a good connection with the wood. It was weird because in the first years of your life you didn't like the outside in any way. As you grew older it changed and you loved the woods and outside more than anything.

You walk into the workshop and see that nobody else was there. You growled a bit at the not attendance of most of them. When you checked your phone you could see that all of them were sick and couldn't come. You sigh deeply and go to the back room to change. When you were done changing you put your clothes on the heater in the hope it would be dry at the end of the day. After that, you checked the list of things that needed to be done. 

The list; check storage; clean workshop; work on the woodworks and clay; water the plants and see clients in the shop.

A whole list so it seemed. You sighed once more and began to work on the things that were needed. You first watered the plants, it was the easiest task luckily for you. Then you cleaned everything, easy too right? When you had cleaned everything you looked if everything was still there. You walked through all of the aisles of supplies and noticed that some things were almost out of stock. You scribbled the things down on your notepad when you bump into the rack of clay mail. It is useable to keep the clay longer useable. When you turned around two sacks fell on the ground. Exploding with all the mail through the workshop, but then the door opened and you jumped in front of the person so he or she wouldn't get dirty. You, on the other hand, were completely grey now. You turned around and faced the costumer.

"Can I help you?" you tried to sound not worried. "Wait are you okay? I am so sorry for the mess. I had bumped into a rack and two sacks fell out-" before you could continue the person burst out in laughter. You were hurt by the person his actions and looked sad before turning your back to the person and ignoring the person.

"I am sorry for laughing but I had an appointment?" the person was a he, you could see it now you had turned around again. You raised an eyebrow and made some hand signals for him to follow. He nodded and followed you to the backroom. Once there you looked at the clipboard of people with an appointment and indeed he had one. You sighed and turned around.

"The appointment was about a sculpture right?" he nodded. "Uhn okay sit down and I will get the stuff. Don't touch anything!" you yelled a bit at him. He chuckled at the worry in your voice. He sat down just like how you had asked him to do. It took you a good ten minutes to get everything you needed. it was walking on and off with supplies. When you finally sat down in front of him with the clay he took a pose. You warned him to stay like that or he will get in trouble. He nods in understanding and stays still... a good five minutes had passed and he began to move.

"I am sorry, but it is hard to stay still like that!" his excuse was a bit lame. You sigh and shoo him away with your hand saying he can take a break if he needs too and so he did. He stood up and looked around in the woodshop. Sometimes he would pick up small statues before putting them down again and walking further. Then he came in the section where the vase and pots were. When he bent down to look at one he bumped in one shelf. The best you ever made fell to the ground shattered in pieces just like your heart when you heard it.

He turned around and saw what he did and tried to pick up the pieces just as you walk in the aisle. You looker at him and so did he at you. His expression was shocked and full of regret. Your expression was none. You didn't had one at that time. He stuttered trying to say sorry but you spoke first.

"Leave the shop," you were straight forward "you can drop of pictures of your head. Front, sides, back and top." He looked shocked at it but nodded. Before walking away he spoke to you.

"I will buy the pot even tho it is in shards." he looked at you shaking your head.

"Just take the pieces and leave. I will let my manager know what will happen and I will repay him or let him take a bit of my salary. But please just leave."

He nodded and bent down to grab the pieces. He putted them all together and walked away. The manager took bits and pieces of uour salary for the vase. A few days later the pictures were dropped in the mail slot and you continued working on it. Working day and night. Not giving yourself any piece of rest. Two weeks after the picture drop it was done and you were burned out. You had a lack of sleep, food and water. A lack of everything but you were finished. You called the client and said that he could pick it up the same night and so he did.

But when he arrived you were in small nap. He opened the door and the bell rang. You woke up and walked to him. Again signaling him to follow you to the back and so he did. When you were you sat on the chair as he looked at it. Without noticing you had fallen asleep again. He turned around and chuckled a bit. He grabbed the sculpture and put it in his car. Then he returned putting the money in the cash register and walking to you. He scatch the back of his neck and did what was the best. He picked you up softly placing you in his car too and closing the shop for you.

He drove to his house and placed you on the bed. Not changing your clothing and putting the blanket over you. He kissed your forehead and went away to sleep downstairs. When you woke up you noticed it and realised what happend last night. You smiled slightly and went downstairs. When you came there you were greeted by the smell of breakfast.

"Morning~ the breakfast will be done in a minute. Feel like home." he smiled widely when he heard you walking. You nodded and looked around. Upon seeing his house you noticed something eye catching. You bent down infornt of it and recognize it as the vase you made and he bumped over. He had repeated it for you and put his head sculpture next to it. You smiled without noticing but smiled more when you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist.

"Do you like them?~" he said smiling while resting his head on your shoulder.

"I like it a lot" you smiled and turn around to him. You both looked at each other with something unfamiliar. It was an unknown feeling but you both wanted it to last

"Will you stay for a while? Or forever?" the last part he mumbled a bit. You giggle ans give his cheek a kiss.

"At this moment it is for a while." You spoke softly like you weren't sure. Actually you were sure about it just as sure as he had put the vase back together. Just like that he had glued your heart back together too. It wasn't perfect but it was enough to keep going for a longer time.

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