WinWin (nct)

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Flying has always been your biggest fear as you had always watched movied about planes crashing, terrorist on planes or even that the engine would fail and the plane crashes into the sea. So needing to travel for your job wasn't always the biggest thing you like to do.

Flying for your job was a part of a routine. Never staying on places too much you were always somewhere else. Everything always changed in the planes. Always different people. Different people helping you in the plane but one thing that never changed was the flight attendant that always seemed to be on the same planes as you.

He helped you trough everything and in hard times when your fear kicked in he was able to help you in ways nobody else actually could.

Flying to Seoul was always the best feeling. Knowing you were going home after so long flying. Being able to sleep in your own bed, make your own food, have your own soap. Yeah that was a thing you missed the most.

Boarding took so long and you were scared of things. It was clouded and it rained heavy in the places you needed to fly trough. How will you be able to do this? Shaking the thoughts of off you, you went to your own place; 24E. Sighing the plane had started and you put on your headphoned and chewed some gum trying to get yourself trough it all. Having the place next to the walkpath made everything more worse than it already was.

Not being able to see how the engines are doing or how the weather was has always been horrible. Closing your eyes you listened to how they gave the safety instructions. Picturing how he had been doing that on past flights. A smile crept onto your face as you had pictured him into your mind but it faded when you noticed he wasnt on this flight like usual.

Opening your eyes you tried to look for him once again but still couldnt find him. Sighning your eyes layed down to your lap which was covered with a book you thought you would be able to read but couldn't.

The plane took off into the air and you grabbed the handles of your seat trying to get some comfort but couldnt once again. The plane was steady in the air as you took your phone and began to look trough the emails for another job but you couldnt focus. Till your eyes had set onto a job as flight attentand. Actually confused you clicked on it and noticed it had come from the flu company itself and not some site you had been subcribed too.

Smiling you had been reading the email and it caused you to not focus on the plane for too long. But when you came to the end of the mail you noticed how everything had been shaking. So you looked up and asked the people around you what was going on.


Within an instance your fear kicked in and you closed your eyes in fear. Then the attendances came over on the speaker and ir freaked you out even more.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We are sorry to inform you but the plane needs to make a emergency landing in the nearest airport because of moving luggage in the luggage room. Please keep in mind to stay calm and help yourself before you help others. Thank you for your co-operation."

Freaking out more you tried to stay sane trough everything that was happening. Why did it had to be this flight that needed to go down. Did your fear actually came true this time? Then the plane began to shake even more and you had began crying while people around you had been to contact their families desperately.

One of the attendants walked to you and asked you to come with her. Releasing your seatbelt you had brrn trying to gather even more courage for yourself. Standing up you had walked after the flight attendant while grabbing the chairs tightly. White knuckles was what you got from it and you didnt care one single bit about it.

She openend the door to the cockpit and let you walk in. Confused she placed you into one of the seats as your legs had become so weak you would fall over if you didnt watch out. She fastened your seatbelt for you as you coudlnt handle any of it.

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