Soobin (txt)

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It is weird that you always used to play with people from the village. They were always so kind and nice towards you. When you would come home, the people had no fun. It was like they are dead on the inside. Empty shells that used to have the embodiment of a human soul that could have fun. But if it used to be that way, then why did it change to this? You grew older in a matter of time. Your father and mother gave you more rules. More rules, more things you needed to accomplish but less freedom. At first, you thought you would manage all of it, but your thoughts quickly changed as he forbade you to go to the village anymore. It would be dangerous and you could hurt yourself is what they always said as a reason when you asked for it. You were furious and angry, why did you have to be the one who would take the crown next? For days you had locked yourself in your room to think. But what you actually thought about was something nobody actually would have imagined. What if, I would step back from the crown? You thought and thought about it. So many things had crossed your mind. So many reasons why you should it. But every time you came back with the same two reasons that always was the main ones... I want my freedom and happiness back, I want him back.

So that is what you did. You sneaked out of the castle during the night. You met him endless more times and time only went faster with each time seeing each other. You never felt this way and it was weird for you to do so. Your father and mother always had said that you couldn't fall in love and that they will choose who you will marry too. You never agreed with any of it, but since you were their child, you had to agree with it. If you would like it or not. This night was different than the others. Neither of you spoke. The silence was filled in the open air as the animals didn't make a sound. Like they were able to feel all of the tension that was there. The stars that night were somber and sad. They didn't shine as bright as that they used to do. You heard him take a big sigh as he slowly began to speak.

"Y/N? How will we ever be able to manage?" both of you turned around to look at each other. The tension became worse as both of you waited for a response. "I mean like, your parents will never agree on us being together. Let alone us getting married!" he yelled the last part a small bit causing you to flinch. He never raised his voice to you and it was frightful to you, but you knew you deserved to be yelled at. You lowered your head thinking before quickly raising it again.

"Listen Soobin... I know my parents are difficult but we have been together for more than two years already. I understand if we cannot tell my parents but..." you stopped talking. You were trying to find the right words as he repeated the last word you said. You sighed and spoke again. "But if you want we can run away together. To where is what I don't know yet, but I want to be with you, I don't want my parents to choose who I will marry. I want to marry you." the silence was deafening, but soon he launched himself at you giving you a tight and deserved hug. He knew that your parents were important for you, so for you to say that you want to run away and let the crown behind? His whole world lit up. Everything around you became brighter.

He pulled back from the hug and looked into your eyes. His eyes switch to your lips for a split second before he began to lean in. Both of you closed your eyes and your lips softly made contact with his. His hand reached up and caressed your cheek. It was a moment that should last forever. It lasted for a long time until his horse made a sound alarming someone was coming. He withdrew first from the kiss and looked around to be greeted by an angry guard. You sighed and looked at the guard while standing up. You went to the guard and explained everything. As you grew closer to the part of you and him kissing the guard became happy for a reason. He said he wanted to help you and Soobin escape because he knew how difficult things were. He said that he had experienced it himself too. It was when he was training to became a guard that he had met the love of life, so he decided to help you two out of trouble.

The three of you quickly came to a conclusion and so you all went on. You walked in front with the two of them behind you. It was weird to walk in that kind of formation, but it had to be done. When you all arrived at the gates the guard let all of you in and walked towards the throne room, the only place you could find your parents together with enough servants around to keep you all safe. When you walked in all of the chatter slowed down 'till there was no chatter left. All of the eyes looked at you as all of the heads were turned towards you. It was a thing that you normally would have found normal, but now? Now it was scary to walk in the room. Everyone got uncomfortable when they saw Soobin behind you. What would a village boy have to do with royal blood? Nothing in their eyes, but yet so much in your eyes and the eyes of Soobin and the guard.

Your parents too looked at you too. Their eyes were full of disgust and uncomfortableness because of Soobin. You didn't give one damn, to be honest. You stood still in front of them. Not bowing. Neither Soobin, not the guard bowed. Everyone frowned at the right of this weird manifestations right in front of their eyes. Before you could speak the guard spoke.

"King, Queen." he looked at them like their heads would have been chopped off if it weren't that they were your parents. "Your child, me and this village boy have come here to announce something." he waited with speaking. In the time he waited the king and queen looked at Soobin in disgrace and then at you with the same eyes, but when they landed on the guard their expression softened and gave him a sign to continue speaking. "Your child has fallen in love with this village boy called Soobin. They have fallen in love and don't want to be separated anymore. So if you won't except them together, they will flee the kingdom and your child won't be the next ruler of this kingdom." there was a huge killing silence at this point. Every worker had their eyes down to the ground. But the three of you stood tall and knew what you were doing here. Then the king spoke.

"I don't know how this nightmarish plan came to a stand, but as I hear it. We don't have another choice to let you go Y/N." again there was a small silence and all of the eyes were locked on you. Nobody had ever been displaced of the crown. Your father cleared his throat and began speaking again. "So from today on our child, Lee Y/N won't be a part of this family or kingdom anymore along with the lover called Soobin. Any last words Lee Y/N?"

"No, not really." among the workers you could hear gasps and silent whispers at the action you just made. It is was the truth nonetheless. So you grabbed his hand kissed it softly and turned around with both the guard and Soobin behind you. "I am doing okay in this way." you heard him slightly chuckle so you smile in response You walked out of the palace in grace and beauty almost like a fairy tale, but still slightly different. In a fairy tail you would have gotten the crown but you? You didn't want that crown cause you didnt need a kingdom. Your kingdom was with Soobin and your crown was his love. You had all that you ever needed. A loving man, that was just perfect for you. The guard that acted like a father even if you just lost your actually father, it was okay. You are finally able to be yourself; Lee Y/N, once a wealthy person with money but without happiness and now a fine person with happiness for days. He became your happiness and gave you all of the love that you needed. It was perfect, well almost. You only miss it to have a child, even though your parents just lost one. You then came to a conclusion. There are two story endings, a good one and a bad one. You, Soobin, the guard and his lover got the good ending. Your parents got the bad ending

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