Chanyeol (exo) oneshot

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Stargazing. Your favorite thing to do. At night, late at night. Staring up at the sky.
Knowing it will all be alright the next day. You smiled as your star sign was visible: Sagittarius. You were one of the few with that stayed in this failure of a world. You would not say it was a post-apocalyptic world but it actually was that way. Scientists finally made a perfect human: Park Chan Yeol. He could fight, he knew all the strategies, he knew how to cure all the illnesses in this abandon earth.

The people had left a long time ago. Not every human. Only the ones who were perfect in the eyes of the scientists and Chan Yeol. Everyone called him Chanyeol without space in between. If you were not perfect in their eyes you would be a failure. The not perfect humans were left on earth trying to survive without anything. The normal humans fled to space.

You were left with only some other people that once were the best friends of Chanyeol. They had forgiven him in any way. It was not his fault to be taken by the scientists, he could not have done anything. You were the only stranger that was left behind on planet earth. Everyone that was there knew each other except for you. You had also had a feeling that you knew Chanyeol, but you could not recall it in any way. So you always brushed it off. Luckily for you, everyone else took care of you like their own family.

A long, long time everything was okay on earth and in space. Then one day a shuttle fell down the sky at night, just as you were stargazing that fateful night. You saw how the shuttle fell down from the skies, you got up and ran after it. You had incredible speed so you could follow it easy without wasting your breath. Once you got there the shuttle had implanted itself on the ground and there was a small opening lucky enough for you to climb trough. You got in the shuttle and looked around, carefully. In the shuttle was a simple bed, some rations, a few clothes and the everyday supplies every person needs in their life. On further exploring, you actually found a person. You looked at the name tag and immediately backed away. The name tag said: Chanyeol. You were shocked enough to use your smart mind and get out of the shuttle. But just as you were almost out of the shuttle you tripped and slammed your head against the metal floor. Knocking yourself out cold.

When you woke up you were inside the shuttle again. You felt pain in your head so you tried to feel cause. When you felt your head there was a bandage around it. You got up and looked for a mirror not remembering putting a bandage on your head. You looked in the room for a mirror and certainty there was a hand mirror. You looked at the bandage and I was beautifully done is some way. You hear footsteps in the shuttle and grabbed a surgery knife to protect yourself. You knew how to protect yourself but with a knife, it was always easier. The door opened and you did not know who to expect. A person came backward the room. Now it was the two of you in that room.

The person turned around and first looked at the bed but you were not there. The person looked around to see you awake and all with a knife in your hand. Your hand was steady, not shaky like you always had held a knife with you. The people he knew always had shaky hands and did not even remember how to stand. Only the workers were not shaky and knew how to stand. He put down the plate with food and suddenly wanted to grab your knife but you dogde the attack and cut his left skin. He groaned in pain and tried again to grab your knife. Once again you dodged the attack and this time cutting his right skin. He stopped with the attacks and stood still. You saw how the cuts healed on their own. Then you saw the nameplate Chanyeol.

"How are you alive? I saw you dead moments ago!" your voice was steady like your breath. You did not lose your position or the steadiness of the knife in your hand. He looked at you surprised to hear a voice.

"I stood still for intruders. But how are you able to speak? To stand? To hold that knife steady? I have not seen it in years of space..." you looked at him and he looked at you. "What is your name? I could not recognize you from all the faces."

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