Woozi (seventeen) pt 2 end

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"We are back and it looks like, that they found two people who are identified as Y/N and Woozi. And what looks like from it only Woozi survived the collapsing. Please a moment of silence for Y/N."

Everyone is silent as your parents couldn't believe the news. Woozi his parents got angry at him why save someone without powers and risk his own life.

He tried to save you but failed. He promised he would only use his superpowers to save and yet when he used his powers he couldn't save you. When he heard the sirens he didn't know if you were there with him since he had his eyes closed for impact.

When the light from the police shone through the ruins of the building he opened his eyes and saw that you still had yours closed. Softly he shook you from side to side but never got a response.

When they took you both out of the place, they noticed how you lacked any movement and check for your pulse. Woozi was deemed fine by the paramedics but you? You were declared dead.

"We are sorry to tell you this sir, but the other person didn't make it. We are sorry for your loss." His eyes went wide open as he rushed to the stretcher you were on. Holding your shoulder he continued to shake you.

"Y/N! Y/N, wake up! You can't leave me behind here!" Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched you, never breathing, never moving. His tears spilled from his eyes and onto your face. Softly holding your cheeks he couldn't take his eyes off your resting face. You finally found peace without your powers.

Days and weeks passed by as they investigated everything. Woozi never left his room, only if he wanted to go to your house and mourn you there with your parents.

On the day of your funeral there came a lot of people. People from your school like students and teachers. Strangers you had never met before. Parents of the superheroes you helped be normal teenagers, the teenagers you helped. Lastly, there was Woozi and your parents.

That day it rained without a stop. That day the tears never stopped. That day everyone held in their breath as they mourned your death.

As they lowered your casket down into the ground everyone made a line to say their goodbyes and put something in your grave. Most people said thank you and put down some flowers, others couldn't utter a word and just fell to their knees and cried like there was no tomorrow. When everyone had their turn, including your parents, it was only Woozi who still stood at your casket. It took him so long that most of the people already left to go home. When he knew for sure that everyone was gone, he grabbed something out of his jacket, looking at it and then at you.

"I couldn't save you then and because of that I wont ever be able to look at myself the same way again." with that he laid the package in your grave and had peace with himself. "My powers went silent since your death, so I wont need it anymore. I know you have your peace now but dont you dare to forget me okay?" he smiled silently as he wiped his tears and finnaly left. He watched from a distance as they lowered the casket, covered it with sand, and put it on the grass patch.

'A superhero, without powers.'

Everyone agreed on that but it still felt weird without you around. Not only for your parents, or for Woozi, no for everyone. For the people you had helped become normal teenagers, for the parents you had helped understanding.

At school everyone was struggeling, nobody knew how to hanlde themselves. Througout the day there were accidents with power burst because of sadness, anger, the unknowing, and the frustation because they still hadnt caught the villian who took your life away, who took you away from them.

Time continued to pass, for most of the people the incident that had happend was becoming a memory, for most of them it was something to never remember, for some of them it was the hurdle they needed to realize they needed to step up their game, but for one of them it was still the hardest thing to overcome. It was still so fresh in his mind that he couldn't help but continue to cry at your grave, day and night, rain and Sunshine. It didn't bother him. Al he wanted was you back and avenge your death but his powers malfunctioned because of his emotion. So there was no way for him to avenge you.

While walking along the Streets at night, the city alarm went of again but he didn't bother to get inside. He just wanted it to be over, he wanted to be reunited with you yet it was impossible. As the alarm went on for hours and hours on end most people thought it just malfunctioned but that wasn't true. The villain just wasn't caught yet. In the park Woozi sat on the bench as someone sat down next to him.

"Still having trouble getting over Y/N?" without knowing who it was he just nodded as he let his head hang down. "Everyone could be themselves around Y/N's presence." again he nodded, but something felt wrong with him. So he looked up and then he knew what was wrong. He stood up quickly and got into a fighting pose.

"You! What are you doing here?! How dare you to show your face after everything you put us trough." the man laughed and stood up while looking at him.

"Don't you know what you put me trough! I put so much time and effort and money in that project and then you had to come along and get it killed! It is all your fault."

"Y/N isn't a project, neither is Y/N an experiment. Y/N is and Always will be a person with feelings, a person that helped all of you. You took that away from us! From all of us!" as he continued to yell at the man sparks gathered around him and lightning was striking closer and closer each and every time. When it did finally hit him he yelled out all of his pain and anger, causing the lightning to swirl around his body and hit everything is his way. When he finnaly calmed down he looked around him and saw he body of the man lying on the floor, he carefully walked to the body and softly touched it with his feet. It didn't move and he finally caught the man that had been haunting his dreams ever since.

When he looked at his hand he saw the sparks flying of and his own particles were softly floating around his hand. He got his powers back and gained a new one with it. Looking up at the sky he smiled softly and the rain started pouring down.

Finnaly he found his own peace, even though you werent there with him, he knew you were watching over him and that helped a lot.

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