Taehyung oneshot

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When you come to school one day, your boyfriend Taehyung comes to you. "Hey, Y/N" "Hey Tae, why are you so happy today, has something special happened?" "Not yet, but something special will happen tonight!" "Oh yes? May I know what is going to happen tonight?" Taehyung has a big grin on his face and says, "You do not have to know what's going to happen tonight, because you're there tonight!" You look a bit confused from Taehyung to a friend of yours and back to Taehyung, "Oh yeah?" "Yes, of course you are there, what would be so special next to our one-year anniversary tonight? So I want to see you in the blossom park tonight at midnight, just you and me, nobody else. " He gives you a kiss on your head and then goes away again.

"That was a bit weird don't you think Y/N?" "Yes, a little, but hey, he's just nervous, I think, do not worry to much. Let's go to class." "Yeah sure" The day is normal for the rest of the time, just as how every day goes, boring lessons, children who are turned off the class and especially too much homework. After school, you say: "Bye~ see you tomorrow" To a friend of yours who waves as an answer and cycles away with Jane. You look over the schoolyard to see if you see Taehyung, but no. 'He is probably already free. I'll see him tonight i geus.' You think by yourself.

That night, You escape your house to go to Taehyung, it's about a quarter of an hour walk to the blossom park, but it's worth it. When you got a relationship with Taehyung was still as childish as he was before you had a relationship, but that makes him also attractive. When you arrive in the park, you see that Taehyung is already present. "Tae!" You call to draw his attention. Taehyung looks up and puts his things on the bench in the park. Opens his arms so in that way you can walk in his arms. As soon as you lies in his arms, you give each other a long, familiar hug. When you withdraws from the hug, you get a kiss on your forehead. You look up and get a kiss on your lips, you kiss him back and then you are intertwined in a passionate kiss. When you both have no breath left, you break the kiss and let your foreheads rest against each other.

Once both you catched your breathes, Taehyung  grabs the things he had put on the bench, it is a bouquet of roses and a small box. "What's in the box?" You ask curiously. He gave her the box and said, "Look for yourself Y/N, I'm pretty sure you'll like it." You carefully open the box and pull a chain out of it. When you see the pendant, you see that it is your favorite jewel: a lapis lazulie. Your face speaks how you feel: shocked. Taehyung takes your chain and hangs it around your neck. "It's nice, Y/N" "T-tae, thanks but I have nothing for you." You says a little saddened. "I do not need anything Y/N,  you have given me so many beautiful things without me ever giving anything back, believe me, you have given me too much beauty." With those words, the clock slays twelve and you get another kiss before he says: "Fine 1-year anniversary, Y/N." "Happy 1 year anniversary Taehyung!"

You sit on the park bech and enjoy each other's presence. After a while, Taehyung breaks the silence and says, "Y/N, I have to tell you something. You probably already noticed that we did not cycle that often togheter anymore, that's because I've always been away earlier and that is because i was at the doctor. My doctor says that i need a new lung. My lung is apparently so far gone that I need a new one because the other lung is already very weak." "Oh Tae, why did not you tell me this before?" "I did not want you to worry." "You know I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you in the toughest times, just stay silent now, I want to enjoy this moment!" Taehyung keeps his mouth shut and also decides to enjoy the moment.

At two o'clock at night you both go home. When you are home, you go to your room. You close the door behind you and fall against it. You try not to cry, but after a failed attempt the tears fall. You try to fall a sleep that night, but the words that Taehyung said crept trough your mind. Eventually the words he said we're put to rest, but the peace didn't stay for long. The words came back with a bit rain. The rain became a thunder storm. With the words in your head and the thunder storm in the background, you finally got to sleep.

The next morning you speak to your parents. "Mom, Dad? Taehyung told me yesterday that he needs a new lung and I want to give him mine." Your mother stops eating and your father stops greasing bread. "Wow, darling, I did not see that coming, but if you think that's the best, you can go to the hospital now." "Wait a minute, Mr. Y/N, you already have a few bad lungs, why would you give Taehyung one of your lungs?" "Because I love him, I can not live without him, understand that, my lungs are better than Taehyung's lungs right now, I can miss it, he can't." Your mother looks at her husband once more and finally agrees.

Arrived at the hospital you have to full in some paper work. You and your parents decided to wait in de waiting room. While you were fulling in the paper work, your parents started to talk about the news. It was boring paperwork but it needed to be done. Once finished you gave it to the lady at the front desk and went back to your seat. "Don't you think it's a lovely story to tell your children later?" "Mom, are we really going to talk about children right now? I'd rather talk about the news." It's weird for you to says that you want to talk about the news, because you really hate to talk about boring stuff. After you said that, your mother understood it and kept her mouth shut. After that you only needed to wait five minuts before you were taken to the surgery room.

That day at school you are nowhere to be seen, but Taehyung thinks in himself 'it probably is because she is still shocked from yesterday.' His thoughts are interrupted by his telephone that is ringing. When he answers, he hears his mother screaming on the other side of the line. If he has understood correctly, they have found a lung donor for him and that he can now undergo the surgery immediately. Taehyung hangs up and tries to call you, but it goes straight to the voicemail. "I'll tell her after the operation."

In the hospital he does not even have to wait and is immediately taken to the surgery room. When Taehyung wakes up after the operation, almost all the family members and friends are around his bed, but no Y/N to be seen. After half an hour of being with family and friends it gets too busy and the nurse sends everyone away. When everyone is gone, the nurse gives him something to drink. Before the nurse leaves, Taehyung aks, "Ma'am, who is my donor?" The nurse replies sadly: "I do not know sir, the only thing I know is that there were complications during the operation and that the donor him or herself does not have the most perfect lungs either." After the nurse finishes talking, she walks away before Taehyung can ask for more things. Taehyung thinks about what the nurse said. Soon he draws a theory that it might have been you, but you weren't that stupid  to give him a lung.

Days pass, patients come and go, friends and family come by and leave again, but still no Y/N to be seen. But there is always a screen for the bed by the window. At one moment Taehyung asks the nurse: "Ma'am, who is in that one bed there by the window? There has never been a new person there, since I've been here, there has never been a visit there either." "At the window you said? I'll go check for you." The nurse walks away to the bed and looks at the clipboard hanging in front of it. She scans the paper with her eyes and her eyes are becoming sad. She hangs the clipboard back and walks back to Taehyung. "And?" Taehyung asks impatiently. "The patient who lies there is your donor, the patient is apparently in a coma since the operation, because of the complications." The nurse walks away again and Taehyung does not think for a moment. He gets up from his bed and walks to the bed by the window. When he is there he collects all his courage to push the screen aside. He pushes the screen aside and wishes he had never said it.

You are lying in the bed. 'Complications during the operation with that i would never have known, but a few bad lungs. I was right with my theory, oh Y/N, why you?" Taehyung sits down on your bedside and grasps your hand, your hand is cold, as cold as an ice lump. A single tear falls on your cold hand. Him thumb spreads out the drop on your hand, he brings your hand to his lips and gives it a kiss. "I hope you wake up quickly Y/N"

Weeks fly by and Taehyung has already left the hospital, but you are still there. After a few more weeks, Taehyung gets a phone call. "Hello?" "Hello, do I speak to Kim Taehyung?" "Yes, that's me. Who do I speak to?" "You speak to Dr. East, Y/N's doctor. I'll call you to keep you informed of her situation." "Did something happen to Y/N?" "Well, sir, I would like to inform you that Y/n has just woken up and that she has asked for you. Could you may-" The doctor could not finish his sentence or Taehyung had already hung up and was on his way to the hospital, on his way to you.

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