Woozi (seventeen) pt1

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In a world where super powers and heros do exist you were one of the few people who didnt had any powers but yet that didnt matter. You didnt want to be special, to draw attention to yourself. A normal life for someone with superpowers was hard, but for you it was easy since you didnt had any superpowers. Because of that the superheros went to you for advice on how to be normal, how to deal with the things happening at their school, at their homes and in their personal life. One of the regular people was a boy called Woozi.

He was a super sweet guy but he didnt know anything about normal life because his parents only let him focus on being a superhero. They wanted him to be the biggest and best superhero that would exist out there. So as you were just doing some homework you got from school you felt the breeze come trough window and smiled. A schadow hanged over your book and you looked up to a Woozi who just materialized himself infront of you.

"You know that you can just knock on my window you know? No need to be a superhero around me, you know that." shaking your head you looked down on your book again and continued as you felt how the bed sank down when he sat next to you. Hearing him sigh you shook your head and just threw your book of the bed. "Okay what is wrong tell me."

"Uhm well... I need to ask you for a favor. My parents think i am old enough to go on a date with someone and i want that someone to be you. Since you are really the only one who cares about me without superpowers. You know the normal me, the me who i want to be so please, be my date." he grabbed your hand and sqeeuzed it softly. Contiuing to plead, you gave in.

"But with one thing."


"Dont use any superpowers around me, only if it means to save me. Deal?"

"Deal!" he didnt hesitate to agree with the deal but neither of you knew how bad this go for the two of you.

He introduced you to his parents and they seemed to like you but when you told them that you didnt had any superpowers the house seemed way to small and they just chased you out of there. Running and continuing to run to where your feet would take you. Leaning against a building you didnt hear how the alarm went off signaling that something bad was loose in the city you lived in.

When it dawned on you that the alarm went of you decided that you would make your way back home knowing that Woozi would come back there the following morning, after getting a beating from his parents ofcourse.

Walking through the allyways wasnt the smartest decision you could have made at that time cause soon enough some tall man stood infront of you and blocked your way. You tried to walk back but he had superpowers and stood behind you within milliseconds and you knew you were in trouble.

"I wouldnt try calling for help if i were you. It wont work in your favor." but you couldnt go down without a fight. You turned around to look at him and stared into his eyes causing him to close his eyes from fright, then you punched his throat and ran as fast as you could out of the allyway and onto the street. Just as you had arrived at the street you saw some people walking but when you were almost there and they had noticed you, the man caught up to you and easily dragged you away.

The people tried to help you but nothing would work. The man was too fast and they lost track of you. Going to the police station the next morning after seeing what had happend. As they were talking to the officer, Woozi ran into the office.

"Have you seen this person? I havent seen them since last night." he held up a picture of you in your house as you were working on your homework and he decided to pay a visit.

"Calm down sir, we need to help these people first. They also lost someone they know right?"

"Well it isnt anyone we know personally. We were walking in the street and we saw this person running towards us and when the person was almost there someone appeared behind them and then they just dissapeared."

"Does that person look like this?" he showed the couple your picture and nodded.

"But I dont understand, why didnt that person use their superpowers?"

"Because Y/N doesnt have superpowers, Y/N helped superheros like me with powers being normal teenagers because Y/N was a normal teen. Sorry but what was the kidnapper his superpower?"

"It was something like superspeed or maybe teleportation, something like that because it all happend in a blink of an eye." Woozi nodded and knew that it was the bad thing the alarm was signaling yesterday. Using his power he began searching everywhere were they could be with you. He didnt want to lose you. The past months with you were the best of his life. Finnaly being a normal teen with someone who he loved. He had to get you back no matter what, even though he had promised to not use his superpowers around you, your life was in danger and that was the only exeption that you had made for him.

It took him weeks to find where you were held captive and it took him so much energy that his superpower wasnt working the way it used to do but that didnt stop him from finding and rescuing you. Entering the building it was dark but that didnt hold him back. Persuing trough the dark he was quick to find a room that was completly lit up. Everywhere were medical equipment and there on a table in the centre were you. Not uncouscess but also not fully awake. Carefully he walked towards the table making sure that nobody else was in the room

"Oh Y/N... what did he do to you?" your body was limp, eyes were closed. You felt so cold and looked so lifeless. He pulled out all of the wires that had been attached to you and took you in his arms, but if he would use his power now he didnt know what would happen so he just resolved to walk out of the building. Arriving at the door the villian appeared there right infront of him. Stepping back he held you tightly in his arms.

"Where do you thinkg you are going with my experiment?" the man walked closer to Woozi as he only could step back. He promised you to not use his superpowers. "The person in your arms is mine superhero, so give it back!"

"No! Y/N isnt an experiment! Y/N is someone precious to this society, helping people like me, helping superheros to be themselves. So I wont give Y/N back!" The man was stunned by the anger coming out of the boy infront of him. Continuing to walk back Woozi eventually hit the table you had been laying on previously.

"If you arent willing to give 'your' Y/N up to me then why dont we fight? We both have powers so it is a fair fight. If I win, I get my experiment back. If you win, you get your lover back. Deal?" He smirked while looking at the two of you.

As Woozi was weighing out his options he finally decided to go with the deal if it ment to get you back. Breaking his promise but it was to keep you safe. Carefully putting you back on the table and softly pecking your forehead.

"I'll win you back." He turned away from you and looked at the man. "I am ready so be ready to lose." Just like that their fighting began. When they were fighting he made sure that nothing would hit you.

Fighting for hours and hours on end both of their powers got drained, to the point that there was almost nothing left. During their fight almost the whole building got damaged to the point of collapsing. And it did.

The villain saw it too and quickly went away while Woozi was in a battle with himself. If he went now he would be safe but you would be gone but if he would go and get you it wouldn't sure if both of you would make it out or not. He decided to take the guess and come for you. Jumping down and using his last bit of power he reached you and held you in his arms.

"Today one of the buildings in out town has collapsed, it was supposed to be empty but we got reports of residents from the neighbourhood that two or three people went inside but only saw one come out. We will update you on later notice."

Woozi his parents watched the news just like every other person at this point. The news was frightening and no one was allowed inside expect the police. Your parents watched it freighted, since you were gone for a long time now. Then the news presentation came back.

"We are back and it looks like, that they found two people who are indentified as Y/N and Woozi. And what looks like from it only Woozi survived the collapsing. Please a moment of silence for Y/N."

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